Good News for TS1500 Owners!


Thomas B. Woods


Publication Details

Volume: 2 Issue: 1


January 1985



Many readers interested in using ZXLR-8, the fast load program described in the last issue, but who are discouraged to learn that it won’t work in their TS1500 computers will be pleased to learn that Joseph C. Woyak of Appleton, Wisconsin got his ZXLR-8 program running in his 1500. He pulled out the 8K ROM from his old ZX81 computer and stuck it into the 1500. The chips in both computers are compatible. Swapping them requires nothing more than opening the case, prying the ROMs out of their sockets, and plugging them back in to their new homes. According to Woyak, “I’m happy to report that ZXLR-8 with the 1000 ROM in my TS1500 works just fine.”



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