Highfalutin’ Computin’ with Bob Orrfelt On Your Timex Sinclair 1000 Computer, by Bob Orrfelt


David S. Lacey


Publication Details

Volume: 8 Issue: 5


May 1983



Bob Orrfelt’s book on the TS-1000 brings back an occasion when I submitted a somewhat hastily put together paper in a college English course, and got it back with a fairly good grade, but with a notation from the professor, ‘‘This is so good I wish it were better.’ He explained that this was his way of saying he liked my ideas, but felt the presentation just wasn’t up to the content. If I had taken more pains in the preparation, I could have had a strong “‘A”’ instead of a marginal “B+.” I think something very similar applies to Highfalutin’ Computin’.



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