

Abed Kahale; Earl Kielgass; Robert Schimke; John Pegram; Andy Dansby; David Lassov; Gilliam Parrish; Hugh Scriven; Al Feng; Francine Sklar; Robert Hartung; Rod Gowen; Harry Miller; Frank Davis; Bob Barnett; Jack Boatwright; Bob Swoger; Jay Shepard; Fred Henn; Bill Cable; George Chambers; David Lebowitz; Ken Harbit; Joan Kealy; Doug Gillespie; Andy Dansby


Publication Details

Volume: 8 Issue: 1


Spring 1998



T/SNUG attempts to raise funds to purchase remainder of Rod Gowen’s inventory before he sends it to the landfill. Letters from Earl Keilglass, Robert Schimke, John Pegram, Andrew Dansby, David Lassov, Gilliam Parrish, Hugh Scriven, Al Feng, Francine Sklar, Bob Hartung, Rod Gowen, Harry Miller, Frank Davis, Bob Barnett, Rod Gowen, Jack Boatwright, Bob Swoger, Jay Shepard, Fred Henn, Bill Cable, George Chambers, David Lebowitz, Ken Harbit, Joan Kealy, Doug Gillespie, Andy Dansby.



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