Notes from the Editor


David Baulch


Publication Details

Volume: 3 Issue: 10


October 1986



This has been an interesting past month. I have had ะฐ few special phone calls and letters from people concerning thesub-board that we have on the Kaypro BBS. Ed Gray, the SYSOP of the Timex sub-board on the YARBBS, was finally able to get on line calling through Dallas using PC PURSUIT. I do not understand all there is to know about PC PURSUIT, but there is an initial $25.00 start-up fee and it costs $25.00 a month whether it is used or not. This long-distance service ั–s probably well worth the money for those who really use it.

Ed stated how glad he was to see the newest addition to the Timex Telecommunication network. He was also pleased to see that of the 32 programs on-line, many were ones he was not familiar with. (Only in the Metroplex!) He was going to spread the word to other users through his sub-board and the Electronic Newsletter that he has on his sub-board.



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