Publication Details
The Wafadrive is a dual-drive storage device. It’s an all in one system! It has two 128K drives, a RS232 interface and a Centronics interface.
The Wafadrive was originally created for the Spectrum but now, with the Rainbow Plus interface, it can be used on the TS2068. The only thing about it is that the Wafadrive will only work in Spectrum mode, so most of the BASIC programs for the TS will work without any modifications, but Machine code programs that use ROM routines will not!
There are three sizes of Wafers for the Wafadrive: 16K Wafers, 64K Wafers and 128K Wafers. If you are using certain programs very often the 16K Wafers are the best ones to use. They give you faster access to your programs. 64K and 128K Wafers are, especially the 128K ones, for storing long data files. The Wafers can store a little more than their “real” size, I.E. a 16K Wafer can store about 19K, a 64K Wafer stores about 75K and a 128K about 135K. (Values may vary!)
The Wafadrive loads and saves approximately 2K per seconds (a heck of a lot faster than a cassette recorder!). It is quite reliable too! It can save Basic programs, Machine code programs and data files. The Wafadrive allows you to auto-run a Machine code program after loading (exactly the same as an auto-run Basic program), you do not need a boot to load it and run it!
The Rainbow Plus interace gives you access to Spectrum Software and Hardware. And the RS232 and Centronics ports allow you to connect almost any popular printer. Here at BYTE POWER Headquarters, we have the TANDY DMP 105 printer and it works very well with it!
As I said the Wafadrive will only work in Spectrum mode but it is a very very good investment for your TS2068. For a serious programmer the Wafadrive is a MUST and for the Arcade fanatic the Rainbow Plus interface will open a world of exciting new games!
Damco Enterprises is offering the Wafadrive & Rainbow Plus Combo for $149.90 (U.S.)
For more information please write to:
67 Bradley Ct., Fall River
MA 02720