Spreadsheet II


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Fall 1988


See all articles from Byte Power Fall 1988

You will find this program to be a great improvement over the ‘JUST ANOTHER SPREADSHEET!’. It has more file space, it is faster and it is much easier to work with…

The menu is controlled with a ‘menu arrow’. Using [Q]-UP, [A]-DOWN, [O]-LEFT, [P]-RIGHT and [SPACE]-SELECT or the JOYSTICK, you can move around, select options and edit cells for data entry.

There are 7 MAIN OPTIONS: FILES (Save, Load, Calculate, Print, Sheet size, Printer choice, Arrow speed, Clear and Quit), HOME (Top right hand corner), END OF FILE (Lower right hand corner), SCROLL SHEET (Direction arrows).

A demo file is provided to show you how the sheet works. To load this file, select the FILE option, then choose LOAD FILE and enter “SHEET DEMO” as the filename. After this is done, just move the arrow around the sheet and you will get a good idea on it works.

The maximum length of a formulae is 32 characters long, a name in the working sheet and column labels can be up to 10 characters long, a name in the row labels can be up to 9 characters long. Numbers can range from -999999.99 to 9999999.99, numbers higher or lower will be considered as formulaes. When calculating formulaes, if the result is out of range it will cause an error.

When editing a cell, if there was a formulae in it, it is erased. Pressing [SHIFT+1] will recall it, or will recall the last one edited. This can be useful to move a formulae around without having to type it all over again. To enter a number and a formulae in a cell at the same time, you must first enter the number then the formulae, or the formulae will be erased (but it still can be recalled with [SHIFT+1], it is just more work on your part this way).

If you enter a name, it must not contain any numbers or it will be considered as a formulae.

The spreadsheet will accept the following mathematical functions: SIN, COS, TAN, ASN, ACS, ATN, INT, RND, SGN, ABS, SQR, LN, EXP, PI, AND, OR, NOT, < , > , = , + , – , / , * , ^ , ( , ).

There is also special business functions, these are:

  • Minimum value: MN[A1..Z99]
    This will give the minimum value in a given range [A1..Z99].
  • Maximum value: MX[A1..Z99]
    This will give the maximum value in a given range.
  • Average: AV[A1..Z99]
    This will give the average value in a given range.
  • Sum: SM[A1..Z99]
    This will give the total sum of a given range.
  • Count numeric items (non-zero cells): CT[A1..Z99]
    This will give the total number of non-zero cells in a given range.
  • Present value of series of expected receipts: PV[total sum, interest in percent, term, payments per year]
    This will give the present value of a sum to be received in the future.
  • Future value of series of deposits: FV[deposit, interest, term, deposits per year]
    This will answer questions like how much money would I have (in the future) if I deposited $200 a month for 10 years at 7.5%.
  • Monthly payments: MP[amount due, interest, term, payments per year]
    This will calculate the payments for a given amount of money.
  • Remaining balance: RB[monthly payment, interest, payments left]
    This will give you the remaining balance due on a loan.
  • Range of homes: HM[down payment, monthly payment, interest, term]
    This will give you a quote on the price range of homes you can afford.
  • Simple interest: SI[amount, interest, term]
    This will calculate the simple interest of a sum.
  • Compound interest: CI[amount, interest, term, times interest compounded]
    This will calculate the compound interest of a sum.
  • Fraction: FR[A1] or FR[10.08]
    This will keep the fractional part of [x].

Note that these functions will only accept cell numbers or numerical values and no calculations will be permitted between the brackets.

In the FILES option…

CALCULATE- This will calculate all the formulaes in the sheet. Note that the formulaes are calculated in the order they were entered, the last one edited will be calculated last. If an error occurs during the calculation, the computer will display a message indicating the cell in error. Errors may be caused by results higher than 9999999.99 or lower than -999999.99 or may be caused by an invalid formulae.

SAVE FILE- This will save the working file to tape.

LOAD FILE- This will load an old working file from tape.

PRINT FILE- This will print a selected portion of the working file. Just enter the beginning cell number and the end cell number. The computer will then print the file on the printer of your choice (see PRINTER CHOICE).

CLEAR FILE- This will clear the working file.

QUIT- This will return to BASIC. To go back to the spreadsheet just enter “RUN”.

COLS, ROWS- This is the size of the spreadsheet. The minimums are 5 columns and 21 rows, and the maximums are 150 columns and 253 rows. You have a maximum of 3150 cells. If you do not change the size of the sheet, the program will not clear the file. This was done on purpose in case you made an error.

PRINTER- This is the printer choice. If you select “FULL SIZE” printer, you should load the printer driver either at 23400 or at 45005. A driver is supplied for AERCO compatible I/F, load at 23400 and RANDOMIZE USR 23400. You may load your own printer driver before loading the spreadsheet or by using the QUIT option.

ARROW- This is the speed of the arrow. 0-FAST, 9-SLOW

MEMORY- This is the memory available for names and formulaes.

Loading name SHEET II
Program type Business/Utility
Written by Kristian Boisvert



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