The Bargain Basement Blues


Scott Mace


Publication Details

Volume: 5 Issue: 37


September 12, 1983



Softsync, a New York-based producer of TS 1000 software, is feeling the heat. “The Timex/Sinclair 1000 has petered right out,” says Ken Coach, marketing and sales director of Softsync. Coach says that although the T/S 1000 was “a nice computer to get if you wanted to find out about computers, people want more bells and whistles now.” Coach is hopeful that Timex’s color computer, now called the T/S 2068, will share the under-$200 market with Commodore. Coach is not optimistic about the T/S 1500, since it does not have color graphics. “Six months ago, it would have been great. Now, the moment has passed. I’m not putting any hopes on it at all.” HES is another company that will not be developing any new Timex/Sinclair 100 software, and Michael Humphress says the company has yet to release several T/S 1000 software programs that are already developed. According to Humphress, HES released some Timex software last Christmas season that did not sell well.



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