TIMEX has revealed its plans for two new microcomputers, the 1500 and 2048, in the States. The specifications of the new computers were shown for the first time at a computer show in Chicago.
The 1500 will be an upgraded version of the TS-1000, the U.S. version of the ZX-81, which has attracted some criticism in the States.
The upgrade will have a keyboard which resembles that of the Spectrum.
Unlike the ZX-81, the 1500 will have 16K RAM as standard and an extra 32K RAM module can be fitted to provide 32K. A software cassette, similar to the Horizons tape which is included with Spectrums, will be supplied with each package.
The TS-2048 is the Timex version of the Spectrum. The specifications show the machine to be slightly superior to the Spectrum, although nobody has yet been able to benchtest it.
There are extra commands on the machine according to the specifications. They include FREE, which usually checks memory size; STICK, to control two joysticks; ON ERR to cope with errors in a program without making it crash; and SOUND, which is like BEEP in every respect except that the volume can be controlled.
The computer is longer than the Spectrum and seems to incorporate a cartridge port into which ROM cartridges can be slotted. No firm release date has been given for the machines but it is hoped that they will appear hy the end of the summer.