Timex/Sinclair success




Publication Details

Issue: 25


April 1984



THE Timex/Sinclair 2068 has been selling well in the States, despite reports that Timex has had difficulty with the new computer.

The machine, which includes a ROM cartridge port and an RS232 interface, has been described as an upgrade of the Spectrum and has a bigger and more manageable keyboard. Better graphics facilities include the option of an 80-column screen for word processing.

Unfortunately, because of contractual obligations with Sinclair Research, the computer cannot be sold in Europe. Neither does Sinclair expect to manufacture a computer like the 2068 in the U.K. A spokesman for the company says: “If we were to consider such a move we would produce a machine with our own technology.”

Timex expects the 2068 to do even better in the summer when it releases a new range of peripherals. The machine already has a communications modem and printer.



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