Timex/Sinclair User for States




Publication Details

Issue: 14


May 1985



A NEW MAGAZINE for the owners of Timex/Sinclair machines in the U.S. has been launched by ECC Publications, the publishers of Sinclair User.

Timex/Sinclair User was launched in April and includes much the same mixture of reviews, projects and articles for which Sinclair User has become known.

Terry Cartwright, managing director of ECC, believes that there is a massive market for the magazines in the States. He says:

“There are three-quarters of a million Timex/Sinclair machines there at the moment and we expect it to grow to two million in the next year.”

The print run on the first issue of the magazine is 100,000 copies, a large amount by any standards for a new magazine. Cartwright is confident of a massive response.

The first issue includes hardware reviews, book reviews, how to build your own EPROM blower and a four-part series on programming in Basic.

The American magazine has a separate editorial and advertising staff but members of the British Sinclair User team have been in the U.S. to coordinate the launch.

They include John Sterlicchi, who acts as editor-in-chief, and John Ross, advertisement manager of Sinclair User.



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