Timex/Sinclair User Group of Fort Worth, Texas September Meeting Notes


David Baulch


Publication Details

Volume: 3 Issue: 10


October 1986



The meeting was called to order by our president, Gene Pickens. Even though only 10 members were present at this meeting (a rather small group) and no one had any classes prepared for this meeting (there was too much going on at work to have time to prepare anything), there was a great deal of talk, discussion, and information. Our first president, Tim Ward, was back from Sicily, Italy and on his way to Washington (the state) for his new Air Force base assignment. We all wish him well considering all of the work he went through to get this users group together.

Charles Stelding has revised his SCREEN$ READER that was mentioned last time so that the version he sent to me was the improved one. (It was great to use it, I was able to get a great deal of the documentation for certain programs that are ะฐ part of the program into this wordprocessor and I now have ะฐ beautiful ‘HARDCOPY’ of them.) Once the improved version was completed, he used his new TIMACHINE BASIC COMPILER, also mentioned last time, to make it into machine code. It works extremely well. He is also working on improving his REM statement program. Since he teaches at Tyler Junior College and this is taking up more and more of his time. He has been trying to get the newspaper people in Tyler into trying to get ะพะฟ to StarText so that he can use it like we do. So far, no luck. Charles said that they seem to still be in the age of using moveable lead type.



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