Timex/Sinclair Users Group Meeting of Fort Worth, Texas


David Baulch


Publication Details

Volume: 3 Issue: 9


September 1986



The meeting convined in MEETING ROOM “С” of the Fort Worth Public Library at 300 Taylor Street in downtown Fort Worth. The next meeting is scheduled for October 11, 1986 in MEETING ROOM 24. The meetings are on the second Saturday of each month from 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. The meetings are open to all who wish to learn more about the Sinclair, Timex, and Amstrad computers.

I started out the ‘round table’ discussion with the smallest turnout I have ever seen for the group. Despite the small group, the information and demonstrations that happened were something to see. I started things off with all of the information that I had collected over the past few weeks that had not gotten into the last issue. I received а news release from ELECTRET SCIENTIFIC COMPANY in Star City, West Virginia. They have а new program out for the TS2068 for using the musical EEEP command. I read what was in the news release, but I don’t know how impressive the program really is. It may be exceptional, but I have become very leery of programs that use only the BEEP command and not the real SOUND command. The full release will come later in this issue.

I did mention the LOADER V program tape that I had received from Kurt Casby, and the Customized MSCRIPT tape from Jack Dohany. I gave a demonstration of the MSCRIPT tape to let others see what I have been talking about. Мапу cf them either own or know about MSCRIPT. I also went on to mention that I could run a copy of LOADER V for all members that wanted to pay $5.00 to send to Kurt as this is what he says he makes on the program and documentation. I have been using his TSXMODEM with the M-TERM II program to upload programs to the FWKUG MBBS here in Fort Worth that has a section for Timex/Sinclair. This is a tremendous deal using one of the most popular systems for file transfer. If you don’t want a copy made for you for $5.00, then send Kurt the $9.95 for the program., you can’t go wrong either way. Speaking of the Kaypro board, we have 22 programs now ready for downloading. Two of the newest programs are for using RLE graphics. This was explained in the last issue and will be completed in this issue. I have not seen it work as yet, but I understand that it is a very good program. Many issues ago in early 1985, Chuck Dawson presented а weather map that he downloaded from Compuserve. This is the same thing as RLE.



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