UPDATE Routine


Robert Fischer


Publication Details

Issue: 2




See all articles from Extensions issue 2

When at the main menu, enter a search command that ends with the reverse slash and the letter “U”. The program will then ask what line you wish to change followed by what data will be changed, and then ask for the new data. When all that information has been entered, the program will find the first file that fits your search command and display it on the screen. It then checKs the line number you input (1-15) and if it starts with the data you input it will change the line to hold the new data. It will then continue on to the next match until all appropriate files have been corrected. Please note that all files displayed, whether changed or not, are deleted from the program and then added back on to the end. Therefore your files are no longer in the same order (you could do this deliberately to group certain files together).


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