Inside the Timex Sinclair 2000 Computer: a Guide to the Anatomy of the Hardware

Inside the Timex Sinclair 2000 Computer: a Guide to the Anatomy of the Hardware
Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author(s): Jeff Naylor
Date: 1984

This is a book for people who want to know how the Timex ticks. It will guide you, even if you have no knowledge of electronics, to an understanding of what is going on inside the case of your computer.

The book is in two sections; the first deals with the fundamental principles behind computer design. The second part takes a look at how the TS2000 series of machines are structured and, in particular, at how the screen display, keyboard and sound facilities are used.

There are both practical and helpful programs that illustrate the points discussed. You are gently introduced to the world of machine code programming with a monitor program and ‘hands-on’ experiments.

Inside the TS2000 will take the curious beginner to the point where they can tackle those forbidding projects with a clear understanding of how their computer works.

Edited version of Inside Your Spectrum: An Introductory Guide to the Hardware by the same authors.

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