Publisher: Scott, Foresman
Author(s): Jim Stephens
Date: 1985
Pages: 228
Explains how to use your microcomputer to control external devices, including how to build a speech output module, a power controller, an interface connector, a temperature sensor and other I/O devices. For each, you get a schematic plus some hints on construction. Photos and sketches help you build these projects. Includes software descriptions to run these devices. Projects for TS 1000 and TS 2068 computers.
1 The Timex/Sinclair 2068
- The 2068 System
- The Z80 CPU
- The Control Software
2 Interfacing to the Real World
- The Control Devices
- Backward Designing
- The Interfacing Components
- Prototyping
- Constructing the Pulse Detector
3 Simple Interfacing Hardware
- Electronic Hobby Skills
- The Power Supply
- The Backplane Connector
- Buffering the Signals
- Decoding
- Constructing the 7475 Output Port
- Constructing the 8212 Input Port
4 Advanced Computer Control
- Home Electrical Control
- Home Lighting Control
- The Three-Channel Home-Appliance Controller
- The Mail Indicator
- The Automatic Tape-Recorder Controller
5 Microbotics
- Robotics
- Robotic Parts
- The Robotic Platform
- The Robotic Arm and Hand
- Robotic Feedback
6 Advanced Feedback Projects
- The Speech Synthesizer for the Robot
- The Analog-to-Digital Converter
- The Weather Station
- The Moisture Detector
- The Wind Indicator
- The Temperature Sensor
7 Going Further
- Appendix A: Mail Order Suppliers
- Appendix B: The 2068 Memory Map
- Appendix C: Frequently Used Z80 Instructions
- Appendix D: Pinouts of Interfacing Components
- Appendix E: Transistor Configurations
- Appendix F: Common Schematic Symbols
- Appendix G: The Resistor Color Code
- Appendix H: A Device-Select Pulse Decoder for the TS 1000 and 1500
- Appendix I: Converting 2068 Software for the TS 1000 and 1500