T/S 2068 Basics and Beyond

T/S 2068 Basics and Beyond
Publisher: Scott, Foresman
Author(s): Sharon Zardetto Aker
Date: 1985
Pages: 227


Polish your BASIC programming skills with T/S 2068 Basics and Beyond.

Designed for beginning and intermediate BASIC programmers, this book offers a collection of tips and techniques that contribute to easier and better programming. You’ll develop a working knowledge of the finer points of T/S BASIC– including many programming methods and commands not found in the Timex/Sinclair 2068 user’s manual.

T/S 2068 Basics and Beyond offers over 120 short demonstration, game, and utility programs that show creative BASIC programming in action. Sharon Aker includes programs that can

  • perform complex mathematical calculations
  • generate random numbers
  • use trigonometric functions
  • make music and sound effects
  • create graphics in over 100 colors
  • coordinate sound and graphics and much more.

Both new and experienced programmers will benefit from the line-by-line explanations that accompany each program. And a helpful “Quick Tips” section can save you time, effort, and frustration when writing programs.

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