Timex Sinclair 2068 Intermediate/Advanced Guide

Timex Sinclair 2068 Intermediate/Advanced Guide
Publisher: H.W. Sams
Author(s): Jeffrey Mazur
Date: 1984
Pages: 232

The second of two books on the T/S 2068 computer. The first book, Timex Sinclair 2068 Beginner/ Intermediate Guide, is a guide to getting started with the T/S 2068 computer. It deals with setting up and operating the computer, and learning to program in BASIC. This second book will take you beyond BASIC โ€” into the world of computer circuits, the Z80 microprocessor, the BASIC interpreter, and machine language programming. The main goal is to show you how to make your programs run faster and do things that are otherwise impossible with BASIC.

Adam Trionfo has typed in several music programs from the book and recorded the audio.

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