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A Microcomputer Timeline ZX80 Timeline from pre-1974 to 1985. ZX80 mentioned.
Add a Full-Sized Keyboard to Sinclair's ZX80 ZX80 Hardware project Interface a surplus keyboard to the ZX80.
Ask BYTE: Other Keyboards for the ZX80 ZX80 Writer wants to know if ZX81 keyboard can be expanded based on article in March 1982 issue of Byte.
Astronomical Computing With Micros TS 1000 Article about using computing to help with astronomy.
Bytelines: News and Speculation about Personal Computing TS 1000 Under “Market Share for the PC”: estimated that more than 750,000 TS1000 units shipped to date. Sinclair talking about microdrive for the Spectrum. Memotech working on 5 1/4″ disk drive for the 1000.
Bytelines: News and Speculation about Personal Computing TS 1000 Under “Sinclair News”: estimated that more than 600,000 ZX81 and TS1000 units sold to date. Sinclair ceasing distribution in US; Timex taking over.
Circuit Cellar Feedback: Multitasking Timex TS 1000 Letter from Bill Jones noting that he’d built a Timex 1000 and wanted to build another to make a multi-tasking system.
Clubs and Newsletters: Timex Sinclair Amateur Radio Users Group (TSARUG)
Hardware Review: The Timex/Sinclair 1000 TS 1000
Join a Society Triangle Sinclair Users Group (TSUG) meets every month in North Carolina.
Letters: More Memory for the ZX80 ZX80 Correction to article about expanding ZX80 RAM. Notes on getting ZX80 to recognize 48K.
Memory Expansion for the ZX-80 ZX80 Hardware project Upgrading the ZX-80 to 16K with a Jade Computer Products MEM-16151K S100 board. The memory board uses 2114-type static RAM instead of the dynamic RAM found in the Sinclair upgrade.
Microcomputing, British Style: The Fifth Personal Computer World Show ZX Spectrum Overview of the show. Mentions Sinclair and add-ons. Photos of dk’tronic keyboard, Jupiter Ace.
New Horizons for Timex/Sinclair Information about T-S Horizons magazine.
New Horizons for TS Users Info about T-S Horizons, then a monthly newsletter.
Newsletter for the Sinclair ZX80 Microcomputer ZX80 Announcement for Syntax ZX80.
Software Received ZX80 TS 1000 Bon Mot (Luther Gotwald, Jr.), Musical Scales (Rave Research), Schedi-Mort (E. Arthur Brown) listed.
Software Received ZX80 Software received by Byte during the prior month. Super Z, extended BASIC commands for the Sinclair ZX-80 and ZX-80 Home Computer Package, both by Lamo-Lem, are mentioned.
Software Received List of products received by system. Home financial package, mortgage analysis, IRA account planner and bond investment programs from Florida Creations mentioned.
Software Received: Nest Egg II TS 1000 Financial-planning program from Computer Ware Publishing.
Software Received: Stock Control TS 2000 Stock control system for Timex/Sinclair 2000 from Kemp Ltd.
Software Received: Timex/Sinclair 1000 TS 1000 AC and DC Circuit Analysis from Computer Heroes; 1983 Tax Return Helper from K Soft; RPNZL Programming System from The Golden Stair.
Software Received: XFORTH ZX81
Starlit Spectrum ZX Spectrum Describes the use of a ZX Spectrum to collect and process astronomical data.
The Hand-Held Computer ZX80 Editorial about handheld and small computers. Sinclair ZX80 is mentioned.
The MicroAce Computer MicroAce Review and construction guide to the MicroAce.
The Sinclair Research ZX80 ZX80 The new ZX80 microcomputer from Sinclair Research Ltd is a remarkable device. Although first announce to the North American public in February, 1980, the microcomputer did not become available until the fall.
The Sinclair Spectrum ZX Spectrum Overview of the Spectrum.
Timex/Sinclair in the Finger Lakes Mark Tepper is forming a user group in the Finger Lakes region of NY.
Updating the Oldest Science ZX81 Astronomers are using microcomputers in a variety of applications. “Andrew Hollis has done a particularly capable job on a low-cost Sinclair ZX81.”
What's New? Product announcment for Memotech 32K Memopak, HRG, Centronics and RS232 interfaces.
What's New? Speech Module for Sinclairs, Sin-Time Review ZX81 Research In Speech Technology (R.I.S.T) Parrot module; announcement for Sin-Time Review, a bi-monthly about the Timex and Sinclair computers.
ZX81 Floppies and Interfaces ZX81 TS 1000 Letter to Steve Ciarcia asking about floppy disk. Ciarcia mentions the FDC-100 ($199) from Compusa.