Sincus News
- 2068 FunTS 2068 Type-in program
- 2068 System Variables UsageTS 2068 Reference
- 2K Express
- 2K Express
- 2K Express
- 2K Express
- 2K Express
- 2K Express
- 2K Express
- 2K Express
- 2K Express
- 2K Express
- 2K Express
- 2K Express
- 2K Express
- 2K Express
- 2K Express
- 42 Track Converter for the Amdisk III and LKDOSTS 2068 Type-in program
- A Comparative ROM Atlas: From Spectrum to TS2068TS 2068 Reference
A Cursor PadTS 2068 Type-in program Hardware project Hardware and software solution to create an external, cursor keypad.
A Gamma ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program The factorial function only accepts positive integers. Gamma, a higher transcendental function, accepts negative and positive arguments.
A New 2068 Bug?TS 2068 Potential bug related to line length while entering data.
- A New 2068 Bug?TS 2068 Reference
- AERCO Screen Copy Routine for ArtworxTS 2068 Type-in program
- All About Sir Clive
- An Extra Simple Spectrum EmulatorTS 2068 Type-in program
- Area Bulletin Board Phone Numbers
- Auto Re-Dial Program for MTERM Smart IITS 2068 TS 2050 Type-in program
BBS DownloadsHumor piece about “single board nuclear reactor supplies.”
- Big OnesTS 2068 Type-in program
- BoxesTS 2068 Type-in program
BufPrintTS 2068 Type-in program Machine code program to print MTERM buffers.
- Bug AlertTS 2068 Reference
- Can We Talk? On Communicating ComputersTS 2068 Type-in program Hardware project
- Capital Fest Report
CapitalFest ReportReport on the 1989 event.
- Casby's Loader V - 'The Spoiler'TS 2068 Software review
- CATPRINTTS 2068 Type-in program
- Certificate MakerTS 2068 Type-in program
Changes at the Top of TimexSue Mahoney and Dan Ross laid off.
- Character SetsTS 2068 Type-in program
- Class Schedule & BBS Numbers
- Classes
- Clone-ing to DiskTS 2068 Tutorial
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club Notes
- Club notes, policy
Club notes, policyWelcome to new members, disk exchange.
Club notes, policyNew members welcomed; disk exchange.
Club notes, policyNew members welcomed, exchange disks. CLONE and Computus Interruptus offered.
Club Notes, policyWelcome to new members; operating costs for a user group; call for articles.
Club Notes, policyExchange disks, Clone and Computer Interruptus offered.
- Comparative ROM Atlas: From ZX Spectrum to 2068TS 2068 Reference
- Computers and Crystal Balls
Computus Interruptus, Part 1TS 2068 Tutorial Or, The Joy Of Using Interrupts On Your Computer “All right”, comes the chorus, “what’s an interrupt, and why should I care?” I’ll admit, it’s possible to lead a normal, happy life even if you’ve never heard of an interrupt. But in that case, you’ll have missed something that’s at least lots of fun and,…
Computus Interruptus, Part 2TS 2068 Tutorial How Does The Demonstrator Work? Pretty well! Seriously, let’s first look at what the demonstrator sets up in memory, and then we’ll see how it all works together. Understanding this description will require a bit of knowledge of machine code, but only a bit. The demonstrator has been written to be understood by as wide…
Computus Interruptus, Part 3TS 2068 Reference If you try to relocate the machine code to the same 16K memory block as the display file (16-32K), you will notice that the quality of the picture degrades badly when it’s running. The servicing of interrupt mode 2 confuses the hardware that generates the display, when both are trying to operate with the same…
Computus Interruptus, Part 4TS 2068 Reference The interrupt driven print-screen program we’ve been playing with is just about “all used up” as a learning tool. Its main advantage was that it was very short, and could be easily entered. Unfortunately, it required a T/S 2040 printer to operate. Now we’ll learn some new things by working with an interrupt driven sprite…
Computus Interruptus, Part 5TS 2068 Reference Non-Maskable Interrupts You’ll need an “NMI Switch”, RAM in the DOCK bank and the ability to copy the T/S 2068 HOME ROM to the RAM. Basically, the NMI works as follows. When the NMI line at the rear connector is brought momentarily to ground, the computer stops what its doing and starts executing code at…
Computus Interruptus, Part 6TS 2068 Reference Now, it’s time to fire up your T/S 2068. Type in and RUN the listing below. This must be done with the original Timex ROMs in control. When the program runs, it will SAVE to tape a “TS2068 Enulator” program. The program will take a fairly long time to run before the SAVE message appears,…
Computus Interruptus, Part 7TS 2068 Reference Now we’ll cover a couple of tricks we can do because the maskable interrupt is synchronized with the computer’s video output. Since we’re looking at interrupts and video, we should first take a quick look at how a video image is formed. A monochrome television or monitor can only produce a single tiny spot on…
Computus Interruptus, Part 8TS 2068 Reference Now we’ll return to the interrupt driven sprite program. When you type RANDOMIZE USR 64776 to start the program, the little sprite will bounce happily around the screen, and will keep bouncing, even while you type in your own BASIC programs and run them. While you run a BEEP command or do I/O to the…
- Correct cassette loading problemsHardware project
- Data Transfer on the Serial PortReference
- Decimal to Binary, Binary to DecimalTS 2068 Type-in program
Digitize Sound from TapeTS 2068 Type-in program Short machine language program to demonstrate sampling audio from the tape input jack.
- Don't Sell Your ZX81 Down the River
- DoodlejoyTS 2068 Type-in program
- Exploring the Timex/Sinclair 1000's Sinclair Logic ChipTS 1000 Reference Tutorial
Exploring the Timex/Sinclair 1000's Sinclair Logic Chip (SCL)ZX81 TS 1000 Reference Attempts to reverse engineer the ULA via disassembly of ROM.
Exploring the Timex/Sinclair 1000's Sinclair Logic Chip (SCL), Part 2ZX81 TS 1000 Reference More exploration, including some circuit sketches.
- Exploring the Timex/Sinclair 1000's Sinclair Logic Chip, Part 2TS 1000 Reference Tutorial
- Exploring the Timex/Sinclair 1000's Sinclair Logic Chip, Part 3TS 1000 Reference Tutorial
Exploring the Timex/Sinclair 1000's Sinclair Logic Chip, Part 3, ConclusionTS 1000 Reference Final installment continues with drawing of internal data latch and internal data bus.
- From Negative to PC Board
- From the Editor
- Generate Division SymbolTS 2068 Type-in program
Getting the Right ProportionsTS 2068 Type-in program Printing with proportional fonts.
- Going to Disk on the TS2068TS 2068
- GraphicsTS 2068
- Graphics for Racing ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
- History of SINCUS
IC ArtTS 2068 Type-in program Program to draw integrated circuit diagrams with pin labels.
- Koala Pad With Zebra Graphics Interface Including ZPaint and Tech DrawTS 2068 Hardware review Software review
- LenslokZX Spectrum
- Let's Hear It for Clive Sinclair
- Letter from Adriana Rodriguez
- Letter from Bob BusseyTS 1000 TS 2068
- Letter from Jack Dohany
- Letter from Matthew ZenkarQL
- Letter from Rod Gowen
- Loading/SavingTS 2068 Tutorial
- Long Division, Grade 6TS 2068 Type-in program
- LottoTS 2068 Type-in program
- LPRINT - A ROM TestTS 1000 Type-in program
- LPRINT: The T/S 1500TS 1500 Hardware review
- LPRINT: VU-CalcTS 1000 Software review
- MATHTESTTS 1000 Type-in program
Meet News, club notesMay meeting: election of officers and trustees. July meeting: the “portable” Oliger/2068 system debuted. Welcome to new members. Back issues.
Meet News, club notesAugust meet turned out smaller than usual. Local BBS, TCCS, is down for good.
Meet News, club notesTS 2068 Discusses attempt to duplicate Bill Jones’ Max-Dos.
Meet News, club notesNovember and December meetings lightly attended. Club gets Max-Dos to work on their setup. Knighted Computers is selling out its TS stock to WMJ. CATS hosting Capitalfest in May.
Meet News, club notesWilliam “Bill” Tilley passed away. Welcome to new members.
- Members, Members and more members
- Micro-Coding SimplifiedTS 1000 Tutorial
- Milestones
- Modem News
- Modem News
- Modem News
- Modem NewsTS 2068
Modem NewsBook review Review of “The Guide to T/S Telecommunications.”
- Modem TipsTS 2068 TS 2050 Type-in program
Modem tipsTS 2068 Creating text files in MScript to upload via Loader V.
- Modems and the Phone Line: A Cautionary TaleTS 2050 Hardware project
- MTERM Patch CorrectedTS 2068 Type-in program
- MTERM Patch for AERCO InterfaceTS 2068 Type-in program
- MTERM Smart II Buffer4TS 2068 Type-in program
- Multiplication, Grade 6TS 2068 Type-in program
- My Favorite TriangleTS 2068 Type-in program
- National and International NewsTS 1000 TS 2068
Navigating Through the Display File JungleTS 2068 Reference Those who’ve manipulated the nice orderly display file on the ZX-81/TS-1000 have been somewhat perplexed by the T/S 2068. Yes, the illustration on page 251 of the user’s manual that comes with the T/S 2068 does explain it. Still, most everyone reacts with the question, “Why?” This configuration was made to dovetail with the Z80…
- New Newsletter
- New Sincus Exchange Disk Offered
- New, News, Views and ReviewsTS 2068 QL
- New, News, Views and ReviewsTS 1000 TS 2068
- New, News, Views and Reviews
- New, News, Views and ReviewsZ88
- New, News, Views and ReviewsTS 2068
- News
- News and ViewsTS 2068
- News and Views
- News and Views
- News and Views
- News and Views Update
- News from Across the Big OceanTS 2068 ZX Spectrum
- News From Other User Groups
News, New Views and ReviewsTS 2068 SNUG is gearing up. CapitalFest coming up. MAXCOM, from Larken, for 2068. Ray Byler provided a TS2068/Spectrum ROM call listing, both alphabetical and by address for each machine. Will be printed in future issue.
- News, New, Views and ReviewTS 2068 QL
- News, New, Views and ReviewsTS 2068
- News, New, Views and ReviewsTS 2068 QL
- News, New, Views and ReviewsTS 2068 QL
- News, New, Views and ReviewsTS 2068 QL
- News, New, Views and ReviewsTS 2068 QL
- News, New, Views and ReviewsTS 2068 QL
- News, New, Views and ReviewsTS 2068 QL
News, New, Views and ReviewsTS 2068 Software review New QL newsletter: QLusa. Speedysoft has Spectrum software. Reviews: Omni Calc2, Pixel Print Plus!, MScript v5.3, Font Manager and Mail Sort/Label Print.
News, New, Views and ReviewsPixel Print only works with some printers. Time Designs magazine has published its last issue; suggestion to consolidate all newsletters into one. Computus Interruptus being compiled. News from August 1988 NorthWest MiniFair.
News, New, Views and ReviewsUpdates on vendors. August TS User Mini Fair cost the Clackamus County Area TSUG $500 more than they made.
News, New, Views and ReviewsTS 2068 Announcements about newsletters, MAXCOM from Larken.
- News, New, Views and ReviewsTS 2068 QL
- News, New, Views and ReviewsTS 2068
- Newsletter Exchanges
- Newsletter Exchanges
Newsletter NotesTS 1000 TS 2068 Fred Nachbaur is getting out of commercial end of things TS1000. John McMichael has connected an Okimate 20 to his TS2068 via his Commdore 1520 plotter interface. Knighted Computers is not going out of business.
- Night Gunner and Fighter PilotTS 2068 Software review
- Notes from SincbitsTS 2068
- Of Sorts, On Sorts, Sort ofTS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
- Oh Banna ... Give Me a LetterTS 2068 Software review
Oh Banna ... Give me a letter: A Software Review of 'Money Machine II'TS 2068 Software review Review of Herb Bowers/ABBA Software’s version of Wheel of Fortune.
- On Fingers and the Timex-Sinclair Video DisplayTutorial
- OutputTS 1000 Type-in program
- Overcome Computingphobia
Paul's Page on PascalLong, winding discourse about taking a Pascal course at a local college.
Paul's Page on PascalMore about learning Pascal on a mainframe.
- Paul's Page on PascalTutorial
- Paul's Page on PascalTutorial
- PEEK: A Member
- POKE by Paul
- POKE by Paul
- POKE by Paul
- POKEs by Paul
POKEs by PaulTS 1000 Software review Review of Hi RES by Richard Taylor.
- Powerful Projects With Your Timex/SinclairTS 1000 TS 2068 Book review
- President POKEs
- Printer ProgrammingTS 2068 Tutorial
- PRINTING The President
- QL Heat Problem CorrectedQL Hardware project
- RacingTS 2068 Type-in program
- Random CharactersTS 1000 Type-in program
Ray Byler's 2068 ROMTS 2068 Reference Brief description of Ray Byler’s ROM dump/comparison. The original work was done by Ray Byler on his Kaypro computer using dBase to list the ROM entry points. Then he used dBase to produce four sorted files. Each file was split in two for even and odd numbered pages using Wordstar. The files were then transmitted…
REMContact information for Timex and Sinclair.
- RenumberTS 2068 Type-in program
Review of TS 1000 SoftwareTS 1000 Software review TS Football by Ed Hagen, Biorhythms by Frank Ralston
- Review: Disk LibraryTS 2068 Software review
- Revised Review: Specterm-64TS 2068 Software review
- RND DrawTS 2068 Type-in program
- ROM DisassemblyTS 2068 Reference
- ROM DisassemblyTS 2068 Reference
- RS232 Port Added to Timex 2050 Modem CardTS 2068 TS 2050 Hardware project
- Running the Unrunnable Spectrum ProgramsTS 2068 Hardware project
- S.N.U.G.
- Schoenwetter's SignalsTS 1000
- Schoenwetter's SignalsTS 1000
Secret AgentTS 2068 Type-in program Program designed to encode and decode secret messages.
- Secret Agent ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
- Secretary's Notes
- Secretary's Notes
- Secretary's Notes
- Secretary's Notes
- Secretary's Notes
- Secretary's Notes
- Secretary's Report
- Secretary's Report
- Secretary's Report
- Secretary's Report
- Secretary's Report
- Secretary's Report
- Secretary's Report
- Secretary's Report
- Secretary's Report
- Secretary's Report
- Secretary's Report
- Signal BoosterTS 1000 Hardware project
- Sinclair Flat Screen Television
- Sinclairs Need Solid State TVsZX81
Sincus Club NewsNotes from the March, April and May 1989 meetings.
- Sincus Club News
- Software Review: Fall of the Third ReichTS 2068 Software review
- Software Review: VU-FileTS 2068 Software review
- Some Key Points About the TS1000 KeyboardTS 1000 Reference
- SortTS 1000 Type-in program
- Spectrum ROM Entry Points Indexed AlphabeticallyTS 2068 ZX Spectrum Reference
- Spectrum ROM Entry Points Indexed By AddressTS 2068 ZX Spectrum Reference
- Speculations on Things That Might Have BeenTS 1000 TS 2068
- SpheriTS 1000 Type-in program
StealingEdtiorial on software copying/theft.
- Stock ValueTS 2068 Type-in program
- System VariablesTS 2068 Reference Type-in program
- T/S 2068 Basics and BeyondTS 2068 Book review
- T/S Computer Fest News
Tape AnalyserTS 2068 Type-in program Program to read program headers on tape and produce a directory.
- TastermTS 2068 Type-in program
- Technical Comments Relating to the Sinclair ZX81 and the TS1000 Computers and External 16K RAMsTS 1000 Reference
- Text WriterTS 1000 Type-in program
- The Amdek Amdisk III and the Larken LKDOS SystemTS 2068
- The Big Picture
- The Brick Wall In Your ComputerTS 1000 Tutorial
- The Brick Wall In Your ComputerTS 1000 Tutorial
- The Brick Wall In Your ComputerTS 1000 Tutorial
- The Brick Wall In Your Computer, Part 2TS 1000 TS 2068 Tutorial
- The Brick Wall In Your Computer, Part 3TS 1000 TS 2068 Tutorial
- The Brick Wall In Your Computer, Part 3TS 1000 TS 2068 Tutorial
- The Interface Zero: Adding Microdrives to Your 2068TS 2068 Hardware project
- The Logic Operator, NOTTS 1000 TS 2068 Tutorial
- The PC8300: A Clone of the T/S1000, Part 2Hardware review
- The REAL Beginner's Guide to Modeming on a TS 2068TS 2068
- The Real Beginner's Guide to Modeming on a TS2068TS 2068
- The Sincus Light PenTS 2068 Hardware project
- Thoughts from a Telecomputing Junkie
- Thoughts, Part II
- Timely TipsTS 2068 Type-in program
- Timex 2068/Epson RX80TS 2068 Hardware project
- Timex Logic, Part 1TS 1000 TS 2068 Reference
- Timex Telephone Tricks and Tips
- Timex/Sinclair BBS List
- Timexly TipsTS 1000
- Timexly TipsTS 1000
- Timexly TipsTS 1000 TS 2068
- Timexly Tips
- Timexly Tips
- Timexly TipsTS 1000 TS 2068
- Timexly TipsTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
- Timexly TipsTS 1000
- Timexly TipsTS 2068 Type-in program
- Timexly TipsTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
- Timexly TipsTS 2068 Type-in program
- Timexly TipsTS 2068 Type-in program
- Timexly TipsTS 2068 Type-in program
- Timexly TipsTS 1000 Type-in program
- To Disk or Not to DiskTS 2068
- Tomahawk - A Software ReviewTS 2068 Software review
Tomahawk by Dave MarshallTS 2068 Software review Review of AH-64A Apache flight simulator for TS2068.
- TrainsTS 2068 Type-in program
- TS 1500 InnovationsTS 1500 Reference
- TS 2068 ROM DisassemblyTS 2068 Reference
- TS1000 Keyboard AdditionTS 1000 Hardware project
- TS1500 and 16K RAM PackTS 1500 Reference
- TS2068 ROM DisassemblyTS 2068 Reference
- TS2068 ROM DisassemblyTS 2068 Reference
- TS2068 ROM DisassemblyTS 2068 Reference
- TS2068 ROM Entry Points Indexed AlphabeticallyTS 2068 Reference
- TS2068 ROM Entry Points Indexed By AddressTS 2068 Reference
- TS2068 vs TI 99/4A and TRS-80 Coco IITS 2068 Hardware review
- Universal LROS/AROS Development BoardTS 2068 Hardware project
- Universal LROS/AROS/Development Board SchematicTS 2068 Hardware project
- Update 2: Interface Zero ResistorTS 2068 Hardware project
- UpdatesTS 2068 Hardware project
- UpdatesTS 2068 Reference
- UpdatesTS 2068 Hardware project
- Use Cursor to Select From a ListTS 1000 Type-in program
- Useful Programs?TS 1000 Type-in program
- User Group News
- War Games ReviewTS 2068 Software review
- Warning: A Highly Addictive Word PuzzleTS 2068 Type-in program
- What Do You Think About Multiple Part Articles
- What's New
- Where Do We Go From HereTS 2068
- Where Do We Go From Here
Where Do We Go From HereOrdering from Britain.
Where Do We Go From HereUsing ZX Spectrum in America.
- Where Do We Go From HereTS 2068
- Where Do We Go From Here?
- Where Do We Go From Here?
- Where to Put Machine CodeTS 1000 Type-in program
- Wrap Up
- X-ModemReference
- ZX81-T/S1000-T/S1500 Clone: The PC8300
- ZX81/TS1000 TipsTS 1000 Reference
- ZX81/TS1000 TipsTS 1000 Reference
- ZX81/TS1000 TipsTS 1000 Reference
- ZX81/TS1000 TipsTS 1000 Reference
- ZX81/TS1000 TipsTS 1000 Reference
- ZX81/TS1000 TipsTS 1000 Reference
- ZX81/TS1000 TipsTS 1000 Reference
- ZX81/TS1000 TipsTS 1000 Reference
- ZX81/TS1000 TipsTS 1000 Reference
- ZX81/TS1000 TipsTS 1000 Reference
ZX81/TS1000 TipsZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Machine code routine that uses a floating point number as an address.
ZX81/TS1000 TipsZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Short machine code routines to save paper when copying a screen, fine the address of a line number.
ZX81/TS1000 TipsZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Use a pocket calculator to convert decimal address to hexadecimal and back; program for doing the same on ZX81/TS1000.
Publisher: Sinclair Computer Users Society (SINCUS)
SINCUS NEWS was the newsletter of the Sinclair Computer Users Society, a non-profit organization operated by volunteers dedicated to the Sinclair and Timex Sinclair computer user. The user group, formed in 1982, served the Binghamton, NY area.