The Sinc Times
National Sinclair Timex Newsletter
Formerly Sinclair Timex Southeast Regional Newsletter.
Published by Joseph Dell’Orfano.
Brains to comeReprint of an article about Clive Sinclair from Computer Mail.
EditorialSpectrum 128; Timex still repairing 2068s; catalogs from suppliers.
EditorialSinclair Research on verge of bankruptcy.
- Editorial
- Editorial
Editorial: The best of times, the worst of times...ZX80 TS 2068 Well, the worst is over and it can only get better. At least that’s how I -feel now as I tap out my -first newsletter on my 2068. I wish to thank all of you who have decided to stick with the newsletter (and, of course, the ZX computers) for your continued support – I…
EXP/3000 Disk SystemTS 2068 Hardware review Review of the AERCO FD-68, packaged and sold by 21st Century Electronics.
- For Fun: Life in Machine CodeTS 2068 Type-in program
- Forum
Hot Z-2068TS 2068 Software review Review of the disassembler from Sinware.
- Input/Output
Input/OutputJohn Bloxham reports 2068 and Spectrum are not very different; Van Vangor uses TS1000 for business inventory control; Narti Kitiyakara has Tasword; Kurt Olsen states Samsung deal is domestic only.
Keyboard Control of GraphicsTS 1000 Type-in program Fast graphics in SLOW mode is not a contradiction in terms. Machine code allows instantaneous control of a moving graphic symbol in this example program.
Membership RosterWe lost a lot of people when the newsletter changed hands (at least half), but that’s the way it goes.
- Membership Roster
MSCRIPTTS 2068 Software review Review of the word processor.
New Product NewsSpectrum emulators, disk drive systems for TS2068, Timex modem and BBSes, Hot-Z.
New Product NewsTS 2050 Spectrum emulators available; disk systems for 2068; terminal software for modem; cartridge version (HOT Z-AROS) of Hot Z-2068 available.
Outlook Bright for New Products and ServicesReprinted from E. Arthur Brown catalog.
Production of Sinclair trikes haltedHoover, owed 1.5m pounds, halts production. Reprint.
Program Conversion: DeepspaceTS 1000 Type-in program Deepspace is a tatical simulation of ship to ship combat. You are one of a group of captains assigned to patrol a section of your star empire’s borders against hostile aliens. Converted from the original in More BASIC Computer Games by David Ahl.
QL support takes a quantum leap at lastQL Reprint.
Rescue for SinclairReprint from Manchester Guardian Weekly.
- Review: Fighter PilotTS 2068 Software review
- Review: Multi-Draw 2068TS 2068 Software review
- Review: Ramex disk drive and interfaceTS 2068 Hardware review
- Review: TimegateTS 2068 Software review
- Review: ZIP BASIC CompilerTS 2068 Software review
Sinclair EnigmaSpeculation about new computer. Reprint.
Spectrum 128Reprint from Your Computer.
Spectrum UpdateTS 2068 ZX Spectrum Type-in program Upgraded Spectrum with Spectrum+ keyboard; recursive routine to plot graphics.
Spectrum UpdateTS 2068 Type-in program Sinclair Research rescued; machine code programs.
Spectrum UpdateTS 2068 Type-in program New Spectrum model; compatibility; Spectrum BASIC Disassembler.
Spectrum UpdateTS 2068 Type-in program Updates on Sinclair Research financial issues; more on 128K Spectrum; sample programs.
Sprite MakerZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Machine code program to support fast moving graphics
Steering to Success: The QL RoadtestQL Reprinted from another source.
SupportA & J Microdrive offers microdrives; Heath Computer Services has business programs; ROMPAK has Pro/File, Textwriter and others on ROM.
Support!Companies still supporting the Sinclair and Timex/Sinclair computers.
The Shape of Things to Come?ZX Spectrum Reprint of article about ZX Spectrum+ from Your Spectrum.
The Sinclair QLQL Reprinted from BYTE UK.
The Solder JointWater level sensors/switch.
The Solder Joint: Build a Digital ThermometerBuild thermometer with meter IC; suggestions for interfacing to computer.