BARLOG Software

41 N. Geyer Rd, Kirkwood, MO 63122
Owner(s): Bob Lucas


Pyramid: Try to stop treasure hunters from stealing your gold by throwing rocks at them. Invasion from Mars: Protect the two manufacturing plants from the alien men drifting down towards them. 2K.
TS 1000
TS 1000
Moon landing simulation. 1K.
ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000
Machine language program containing three subroutines: MEMORY LEFT, INVERSE SCREEN, and FILL SCREEN. All three are disassembled and explained to the beginner.
TS 1000
Survival in cafeterias. 16K.
TS 1000
Machine language graphic routine. 1K.
ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000
Text editor allows you to store up to 400 lines of text. 16-64K.
TS 1000
Word processor compatible with TS 2040 printer and 64K RAM.
TS 1000


  • Editor Ramblings
    K Mart selling 1000 for 29.97. Price drop for Winky 2. TS 2000 as a business machine. Computech offers educational programs. New 64K RAM packs from Barlog and Gladstone.
  • New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n7)
    New products from Tom Woods, Kopak, L. Harmon, f/22 Press, 2-Bit Software, Barlog Software, Celestial Software, SyncMaster, CRC Software, Timeworks, K.D.V.H.E. Publishers, Starburst Software, Intercomputer, Hawg Wild, D. Lipinski Software, Polymath, Russell Brewer, Bob Fingerle.
  • Resources (Sync v3 n5)
    Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
  • Vendor Report and Notes
    Updates from Barlog Software, Tom Woods, Biocal, Quicksilva, Memotech.
  • Word Processing on ZX/TS Computers
    Comparison of wordprocessing and text editing programs for the Timex/Sinclair 1000.


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