Date: September/October 1982
Volume: 2
Issue: 5
The Complete Sinclair ZX81 Basic CouseZX81 TS 1000 Book review Review of book/tapes by the same title.
ZX81 Chess vs. ZX Chess IIZX81 TS 1000 Software review Computer chess is becoming a very popular hobby for those who cannot find opponents on their level, and a large number of ”dedicated” machines are appearing with increasingly greater strengths. Another area of growing popularity is designing a chess program which is more powerful (i.e., a better player) than other chess programs. Two powerful chess…
LettersZX80 Type-in program ROMs and RAMS, Memory Saving Tips, The SAVE Signal.
List Learning with the SinclairZX81 Type-in program The Sinclair computers can be effective learning aids if the student or teacher has the software to set up learning situations. A program to assist in the learning process should meet several criteria. First, it should be self-explanatory. Second, it should have different modes of operation. Third, it should be practical as a learning tool.…
Glitchoidz ReportNote the ROM requirements; An Alternative Display Method; Space Warp; DEF; ZX Destroyer; Renumbering by a USR Routine.
Just for FunZX81 Type-in program Zap; Blaster; Catch 25, or Playing Left Field; Bombs Away!; Grand Prix.
- Try ThisZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program
Sync NotesSYNC in the Classroom; ROMs and RAMs.
Degrees, Grads, and RadiansZX81 Type-in program There are three methods of measuring angles: degrees, grads, and radians. However, the ZX81 with all its new trigonometric functions can only measure angles in radians. You can convert a measurement by any of the three methods to either of the remaining methods with the few short programs given in the listings below. You may…
PerceptionsZX81 Reference This article is the third in a series discussing the ZX81 Parser. Since the first two articles may have been a bit too abstract for some readers, I hope this discussion will pull the previous articles together.
Teaching with the ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 The Educational ZX80/1 Users 1 Group (EZUG) had a triple celebration in January. First, we were able to breathe a sigh of relief that we had survived a year of frenzied activity. Secondly, we welcomed the thousandth subscriber to our bimonthly newsletter. Thirdly, we launched our first educational ZX81 programs, fourteen of them in fact.…
Maps and the ZX80/81ZX80 ZX81 Type-in program In this article, we will examine some ways of putting maps into your ZX80 or ZX81. We will also see how the Sinclair computers can generate complex maps by themselves.
How Many BlocksZX80 ZX81 Type-in program Like most new computer owners, I was testing my new equipment with some games. My fun was interrupted, though, when I realized that I was being watched. As I turned, I was confronted by my five year-old daughter, Scooter. Wearing a sad face and eyes that reminded me of a beagle puppy, she muttered, “How…
EliminationZX80 ZX81 Type-in program Elimination is a traditional dice game which provides a worthwhile vehicle for teaching young children (and others) simple strategy, an understanding of odds, and the mental manipulation of numbers. Consequently, it helps reinforce arithmetic skills since the player’s ability to use mental arithmetic is pitted against the computer’s problem posing ability. Although the game is…
Solving Implicit Functions on the ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program The computer can handle problems of this kind by making a series of successive approximations: try out any value of X, and see if it gives the Y you want; if it does not, then try another value of X.
Arithmetic Series QuizZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program One exercise to sharpen arithmetic skills is to use a series of numbers which require discerning the relationships of the numbers in order to complete the series. The program in Listing 1 will print out an arithmetic series. Your task is to figure out the next two numbers in the series. If you are not…
Arithmetic with a SmileZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program The computer as an instructional tool is perhaps nowhere more successful than in conducting arithmetic practice drills. Unlike the typical classroom teacher, the computer never tires and never makes a mistake. It provides arithmetic practice and never forgets to reward a right answer with a smile.
BOLEX: Beginner's Ohm's Law EXercisesZX80 ZX81 Type-in program BOLEX is a program that solves Ohm’s law equations two at a time. Enter the program into your computer, hit RUN and NEWLINE. Four prompts will appear on your screen: amps, volts, ohms, and watts. Type in a value for one, hit NEWLINE. Continue until the values have been entered. With two values you will…
Repeat Key OptionZX80 ZX81 Hardware project A repeat key option is relatively simple to build and install.
Resources (Sync v2 n5)TS 1000 Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
8K ROM UpdatesZX80 TS 1000 Updates to Hurkle, Castle Doors, Nichomachus and Widget for the 8K ROM.
Hardware TipsMicroAce Some MicroAce Hardware Peculiarities: keyboard entry, cursor flicker, spare chips, references for troubleshooting.
A Mouthful for Every OccasionZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program You can call up sensational headlines, forceful commands, whimsical statements, ageless wisdom, and irrelevant nonsense all at the push of a key on your Sinclair computer with the Mouthful program.
House of HorrorsZX80 Type-in program You are trapped in the dreaded “House of Horrors.” Naturally it is filled with monsters, mummies, skeletons, and strange creatures. Secret passages and mysterious rooms confront you with danger and yet offer the only way out. Your goal is to escape from the house alive.
Space TaxiZX81 Type-in program You are the pilot of a space taxi in the year 2081. You have just picked up a fare who must catch the next ship to Zeta Chi LXXXI. Naturally, there is a big tip if you make it in one piece. You control your taxi by the 6 and 7 keys to avoid the…
ChaseZX80 ZX81 Type-in program Chase is a game of survival. The object is to survive as long as you can. You are set in a playing field, shown as a 20×10 block on your TV screen, surrounded by a lethal fence. Mines are scattered about in the field. You are being chased by five robots which will move straight…
Block Transfers: Horizontal Scrolling on your 1K ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program A programming technique called block transfers of memory adds new possibilities for your programming and for taking advantage of your computer’s capabilities. Although the technique involves the use of machine language, this article assumes only that you are familiar with the Sinclair manual ZX81 BASIC Programming and that you are willing to work with hexadecimal.
Rounding Off with Conditional TestsZX81 Type-in program We have all learned in plane geometry classes the Pythagorean theorem: a squared plus b squared equals c squared. Thus, if we know two sides of a right triangle, we can easily calculate the third. Or can we?
- Rom-Pac Applications
- Softsync, Inc.
- Kayde Electronic Systems Ltd.
- Data-assette
- MicroSync Services
- Non-Trivial Solutions
- Memotech
- Florida Creations
- Synergistic Design
- Time Data
- JRS Software
- Intercomputer, Inc.
- Sinclair Research Ltd.
- JK Audio
- CAI Instruments, Inc.
- Independence Research
- Romark Industries, Inc.
- Panda Software
- BI-PAK Semiconductors
- Southern Computer Systems
- Microcomputers Plus, Inc.
- Sinclair Place
- International Publishing & Software Inc
- Active Designs
- Synchronize
- CLEVA Computer Ware
- Byte-Back Co
- Reston Publishing Company
- Omni Technology
- Double H Electronics
- Jenn Products
- Overbyte
- Software Masters
- Gladstone Electronics
- Cook Laboratories, Inc.
- Audiograph Co.
- Hurricane Electronics Lab
- Micro Design Concepts
- Nirad Electronics
- Mikro-Gen
- J. P. Gibbons
- Thomas H. Nooter
- ZOR KHAN Industries
- Robill Products
- Z-Ware
- Soft Clair
- Computercraft
- Atlantic Computer Products
- Hunter Electronics
- UPSystems
- Frog Software
- Zodex
- Haymarket Software Co.
- Downsway Electronic Ltd
- Stratagem Cybernetics Inc.
- Computer Continuum
- Apropos Technology
- Oasis Software
- KOPAK Creations, Inc.
- Cosmonics
- ZX-Panding, Ltd.
- Wisconsinc Electronics
- Uitgeverij Wolfkamp
- Servitronics
- KML Incorporated
- Fuller Micro Systems
- Z-West
- BARLOG Software
- Down East Computers
- ZETA Software
- D. Fritsch
- CSI Company
- Drivers Software Sourcebooks
- Lamb's Software, The
- JEU Intelligent
- Lamo-Lem
- Sinware
- Koala Softbear
- Infinity Research Development
- Thurnall Electronics
- Jim Griner
- Smartware
- SyncWare Co.
- Powell Hargrave
- Thomas B. Woods
- Daw Software
- Heath Computer Services
- Ruskraft Engineering
- Custom Electronics Device Corp.
- E-Z Key
- Edson Electronics
- J. C. Software
- Computer Engineering Services (The Jarrett Company)
- Computa-Dek
- Adventure Games
- Fulcrum Products
- J. Balogh
- Biocal Software
- P & B Software
- Intellectual Games
- S.C.I.
- KB Enterprises
- Savage Software
- Kempston Micro Electronics
- Peak
- Mohr and Associates Corp.
- Powertronix Electronics
- Micro-Tech
- Troiano Software Company
- Bob Berch
- NGM Inc.
- Z-Games
- Nimrod Software
- Horizon Simulations
- Ephemeris V
- William Don Maples
- DK'tronics
- M. C. Lothlorien
- Synchronizing Education and Games