Hinsdale, NH 03451
Statistical Interactive system for the Timex/Sinclair 1000 and ZX81 computers, Vol I. Sixteen 2K statistical routines such as: Linear and Multiple Linear Regression with transformations; One-Way, Two-way and Latin Square Analysis of Variance; and T-tests, plus other Non-Parametric two sample tests. A user’s manual (82 pages) with worked out examples and interpretation is included. 2K.
TS 1000
Statistical Interactive-Analysis for Timex Computers, Vol. II. Twenty statistical routines: plots, regressions, analyses of variance, sample tests, correlation analyses, and probabilities. 120 page manual. 16K.
TS 1000
- New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n6)New products from Daydesign, Compuwiz, G. Russell Electronics, SofTec, DJM Software, Compucraft, DK’tronics, Timeworks, Toptronics, Florida Creations, ZX/TS Software Exchange Club, Busyness, SyncWare, Memotech, Stuart Software.
- Resources (Sync v2 n6)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
- Sixteen Statistical Timex-Sinclair ProgramsProduct announcement for SIFT (Statistical Interactive system For the Timex-Sinclair 1000) by CompuCraft.
- T/S EntrepreneursProducts that have come from the Central Pennsylvania Timex Sinclair User Group include the Winky Board, ZXLLR8, math packages, inverse video circuit, robot.
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