CRC Software
2901 Auburn Road, Auburn Hills, MI 48057
Keeps track of all your appointments. Lets you list out your appointments by day, month, or you can search for any appointment. Includes any year perpetual calendar. Dates on which you have any appointments blink. 16K.
TS 1000
Tells you with blinking calendar your financial timetable. Tracks paid and unpaid bills with subtotals and totals. 16K.
TS 1000
Keep track of all your checks. Gives balance after each entry. Lists checks by month. Search for the checks by payee or by check number. 16K.
TS 1000
Interfaces printers to the Sinclair. Serial or parallel. Uses no RAM nor USR routines. Works with any printer, single key operations.
TS 1000
Before you go to the track, consult with the Horse Master. Your racing form or local newspaper gives you the date, and this program will help you analyze it. 16K.
TS 1000
This program is the electronic name, address, and phone number software that turns your computer into a mailing list or instant name, address, and phone number retrieval system. Saves data on tape for permanent use. 16K.
TS 1000
Helps you to balance your checkbook against your bank statement each month. 16K.
TS 1000
- Editor RamblingsMistakes in the January 1983 issue. Sidewinder, a new printer from Mindware. Synchro-Sette tapes bulk produced. CFASTDATA, CFASTDUET from Cosmonics. Printer interface from CRC Software. Timex Computer Club; Ramblings newsletter. New user group newsletters.
- New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n7)New products from Tom Woods, Kopak, L. Harmon, f/22 Press, 2-Bit Software, Barlog Software, Celestial Software, SyncMaster, CRC Software, Timeworks, K.D.V.H.E. Publishers, Starburst Software, Intercomputer, Hawg Wild, D. Lipinski Software, Polymath, Russell Brewer, Bob Fingerle.
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