East London Robotics
Finlandia House, 14 Darwell Close, London E6 4BT
Fits inside computer; plugs in, no soldering; up to 16K in increments of 2K. Uses 6116 static RAM.
TS 1000
- Editor RamblingsTS 1500 expected to launch September 15, 1983 and TS 2000 around October 15. TS 1000 market almost non-existent. Program to convert TS 1000 BASIC and machine programs to run on Spectrum.
- Letter from England (Sync v3 n1)One of the advantages of living in England, home of Sinclair Research, is that we get to try out some of the “extras” before anyone else. Here are some of the things that may cross the Atlantic from England for the ZX81.
- Resources (Sync v2 n2)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
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