Frank Lockhart

Shelby, NC 28150

Frank was a design engineer who wrote software that drew on his 25 years of experience at E. I. DuPont, Western Electric, IBM, Duracell and more.


Calculates point of balance, beam lengths, weights, etc.
TS 1000 TS 2068 QL
Automatically renumbers programs written in BASIC. You choose starting line number and line increment.
TS 2068
Gives 9 important answers fast. Finds tangents, angles, pitch lengths, arc of contact, ratios, etc.
TS 1000 TS 2068 QL
Finds radius, angle, arc and chord lengths, sector and segment areas. Gives angle in degrees and radians.
TS 1000 TS 2068 QL
Converts decimal degrees to degrees-minutes-seconds plus radians, grads. Gives six trigonometry functions for each input. Answers in one second.
TS 2068 QL
It’s you against the computer. It picks a secret number, from 1 to 6. You must guess it to move 1 to 24 spaces. Can you go around the board in 75 tries?
TS 2068
Design your own custom graphics for use in games, business, technical programs. Tutorial. Takes the mystery out of creating your own user defined graphics.
TS 2068
Computer generates a secret number from 1 to 99. Tells player if guess is high or low. Plays tune on correct guess.
TS 2068
Solves for three most common types for forces, fulcrum point, lever length and more.
TS 2068 QL
Now you can have fractions and Greek letters (those not already in the alphabet) for your math programs.
TS 2068
Solves all non-right angle trigonometry.
TS 2068 QL
Finds the required force, diameters, lift, weights, etc.
TS 2068 QL
Calculates gear sizes, number of teeth, ratios and more. Gives 14 answers in two seconds.
TS 1000 TS 2068 QL
Tutorial, multiple choice.
TS 2068
1939 Earth technology struggles to repel Martian invasion.
TS 2068
Solves right triangle problems fast.
TS 1000 TS 2068 QL
25 metals, 11 woods, 11 other materials. Varied shapes in all sizes. Fast answers.
TS 2068 QL
Calculate quantities, costs, weights.
TS 2068 QL


  • Bits and Pieces
    News about Sinclair Research Ltd., two Timex-based BBSes join FidoNet, SOFTAID fundraising cassette, update on Timex Portugal. Shorter updates on MSCRIPT, RMG Enterprises, an RS-232 interface from Edward Loxterkamp, speech software from Tad Painter, software from Frank Lockhart, Jim Clatfelter and Peter McMullin.
  • Latest Vendor News
    Updates on products and services from vendors.
  • Letters
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