Jim Houston Enterprises

414 West Elsmere Pl., San Antonio, TX 78212
Owner(s): Jim Houston


Provides direct monitor connection and inverted signal for white-on-black.
TS 1000
Allows you to use the extra keys on a large keyboard.
TS 1000


  • For Your Support
    Product announcements from Robert Fischer, UAS, Tom Laffin, Knighted Computers, RAMEX, Ben Johnson, Fred Nachbaur, Tom Bent, Jim Houston Enterprises, Paul Bingham, Sum-Ware and Ray Kingsley.
  • For Your Support
    Product announcements from John Oliger Co., NovelSoft, Willcocks Research Consultants, Grey & Clifford Computer Products, Knighted Computers, G. Russell Electronics, Jim Houston Enterprises, Larken Electronics, Chia-Chi Chao, Fred Nachbaur, Robert Fischer, Bill Heberlein, Bill Bell, C. W. Associates.
  • For Your Support
    Product announcements from Chia-Chi Chao, NovelSoft, Willcocks Research Consultants, Grey & Clifford Computer Products, Knighted Computers, Fred Nachbaur/Silicon Mountain Computers, Robert Fischer, Larken Electronics, Bill Bell, Thomas Woods, Jim Houston Enterprises, WIDJUP Co., David Hill.
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