1707 King St., Jacksonville, FL 32204
Computes CODs, BODs, MLSS/MLVSS/SVI, total suspended solids, total solids. Will run 20 samples in each category.
TS 1000
Two interactive parts: COD and BOD/COD correlation. Will compute COD, estimated BOD, sample sizes for BOD analysis, expected high and low BOD range.
TS 1000
New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n11)New products from Hawg Wild, Z-West, 2-Bit Software, Phoenix Enterprises, Warren Imports Group, Russell Brewer, Goldwater Manufacturing, John Carson, Labsoft, Occam Research, Golden Stair, E. H. Enterprises.
Resources (Sync v4 n1)TS 1000 Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.