Magic World Software

Olympia, WA 98507
Owner(s): Brett McCarron

Also known as Medicine Creek Productions (1983).

McCarron published magic and mentalism books under Magic World Publishers.


Manage a book or record collection. Once the program loads, enter CLEAR, and then LET f=9500. Now enter GOTO 6050. Start your tape recorder, then press ENTER. Bookworm will SAVE to tape. Once this completes, the variables will be assigned and the arrays will expand to full size. VERIFY each copy. To use Bookworm, enter
Downloadable TS 2068
Tape of program presented in Syntax v4 n10.
TS 1000


  • Bookworm
    This program will help you manage your book, comic book, or phonograph record collection. See the article for special LOAD/RUN instructions.
  • New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n8)
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