Marydel Frohne

601 IL-83, Bensenville, IL 60106

Marydel Frohne was active in her church community and, with her husband Victor, author of a book on teaching Sunday school. She later operated Church School Software with her daughter out of a Bensenville, Ill., parsonage.

Original address was the St. John’s United Church of Christ. The building was demolished in 2013 when O’Hare Airport expanded.


Drill and practice in recognizing New and Old Testament books.
TS 1000
Two programs. First presents story in frames for student interaction. Second reenacts decisions made by the younger son.
TS 1000
Drill and practice in completing key words in the Ten Commandments and in recognizing the sequence.
TS 1000


  • Churches Find Computers Are Good for Business
    “We have a lot of inquiries from all over the world,” says Marydel Frohne. She runs Church School Software with her daughter out of a Bensenville, Ill., parsonage. “But the sales have been exceedingly slow.”
  • Resources (Sync v4 n1)
    Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.


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