Matthew Zenkar
142 Holcroft Rd., Rochester, NY 14612
Electroplate connectors with 24 karat gold for better connectivity.
ZX80 TS 1000
512K RAM expansion for the Sinclair QL featuring no wait-state memory and full through port.
- Letter from Matthew Zenkar
- New Products and Services (Syntax v3 n12)New products from Matthew Zenkar, G. Russell Electronics, MicroSync Services, Stephen Adams, E. Alvarez, Norris Electronics, Gladstone, Kopak, M.C. Hoffman, Stuart Software, Dale Lipinksi, TSG Enterprises, QZX Newsletter, Intercomputer, Lamo-Lem, JACYN Electronics.
- New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n9)New products from Matthew Zenkar, SyncMaster, John Carson, I.M.S. Enterprises, Banta Software, ZX-Panding, Syber Inc., KSOFT, E-Z Key.
- New ReleasesNew software from Ron Ruegg; “Touring the TS2068 ROM Operating System” book from William J. Pedersen; Arnold Ramaker is developing an expansion box for ZX81, TS1000, TS1500, TS2068 and QL computers; Matthew Zenkar offers utility for QL owners who use DTP software; Sinclair Artificial Intelligence Network special intereste group forming.
- Potpourri
- Resources (Sync v2 n5)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
- Resources (Sync v3 n1)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
- Resources (Sync v3 n6)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
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