Occam Research, Inc.
34 Washington St., Trumansburg, NY 14886
For general purpose measurement 14 channels of analog input; simple interface to Sinclair Basic. Individually software configured channels, allowing any mixture of temperature, voltage, current, resistance, or frequency measurements. Integrating A/D converter allows trade measurement accuracy and noise rejection for conversion time. Maximum resolution: 200 microvolts DC, 0.05 degrees F. English language control over all
TS 1000
New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n11)New products from Hawg Wild, Z-West, 2-Bit Software, Phoenix Enterprises, Warren Imports Group, Russell Brewer, Goldwater Manufacturing, John Carson, Labsoft, Occam Research, Golden Stair, E. H. Enterprises.
Resources (Sync v4 n2)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
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