Paul Bingham

Mesa, AZ 85214
Owner(s): Paul Bingham


Includes: “crater” – 3-D mathematical plot of the moon’s surface (Time Designs July/Aug ’85) “altaz” – Converts astronomic coordinates to altitude/azimuth (Time Designs Nov/Dec ’85) “udg” – Ultra-easy designer graphics for redesign of user-defined graphics (Time Designs July/Aug ’86) “son” – “udg” version 2 allows multiple fonts and more (Time Designs Nov/Dec ’86) “windows” –
TS 2068
Includes Ultra-Easy Designer Graphics+, Classy Front End, and Windows & Portholes.
Downloadable TS 2068


Complete graphics course for the TS/ZX computers. Chapters on the Memotech High Resolution Graphics module. Topics: animation, 3-D plotting, diagonal scrolling, writing and dissecting uneditable programs, machine code short cuts, and more. Program listings.
TS 1000


  • Burning the Midnight Oil
    Review of JazzoFire, a compilation of Paul Bingham’s Classy Front End series.
  • Club Z88 Pipeline
    Letter about plan to develop a Z88-specific newsletter.
  • For Your Support
    Product announcements from Robert Fischer, UAS, Tom Laffin, Knighted Computers, RAMEX, Ben Johnson, Fred Nachbaur, Tom Bent, Jim Houston Enterprises, Paul Bingham, Sum-Ware and Ray Kingsley.
  • For Your Support
    Products from Allan Wolach, C. W. Associates, Chia-Chi Chao, Don Dailey, Ed Grey, Fred Nachbaur, G. Russell Electronics, Newpower Inc., Paul Bingham, Robert Fischer, SAF User Group, Samson Okoloko, Steve Wyatt, Time Designs and Tom Woods.
  • Graphics: A to Z
    Review of the book by Paul Bingham and Rick Goulian. Starts with BASIC PRINT statement graphics and goes to machine code graphic subroutines.

Computer Media


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