R. S. Panwar

2035 Kentland Dr., Houston, TX 77067


Stores and retrieves information by user defined codes. Four fields of 6, 20, and 13 characters (for amount). 215 entries. Search 3 ways. Total for amount column. 16K.
TS 1000
Stores and retrieves information by user defined codes. Stores 125 entries. Provides three fields of 1, 6, 84 character length; allows search by 1 or 6 characters. Used for lists of names, addresses, phone numbers. 16K.
TS 1000
Store checks, deposits, running balance. Find total deposits, total checks. Search by user defined codes for various categories. Helps in budgeting. Stores data for the whole year. 16K.
TS 1000
Create your data base, retrieve, search, or edit; write files on tape; read files from tape; menu selected printout. File parameters and field names user defined; handles various kinds of data, e.g., mailing list, inventory, collections.
TS 1000
Helps analyze loan with menu and instructions. Calculates monthly payment for a loan; duration to pay back a loan; affordable loan amount; compare various loans; manipulate loan parameters; amortization tables; interest charges; com- pound interest; appreciated value of an investment; depreciation (straight line, declining balance, sum of digits).
TS 1000


  • New Products (Syntax v3 n11)
    New products from R.S. Panwar, Wisconsinc Electronics, Sinware, P. Pollack, Nanos.
  • New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n2)
    New products from Expense Cutters Products, JPR Software, Biocal, Memotech, R.S. Panwar, Wisconsinc Electronics, Calliope Software, Practical Computer Products, Melear Marketing, SofTek, RAMSTRAP, Syncware,f/22 Press, Hunter, Friendly Computer, M.C. Hoffman, Integrated Data Systems, Softsync.
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  • Resources (Sync v4 n2)
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