2068 Graphics and Trig

Developer(s): Andy Centek
Date: 198x
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

Shows plots of trig functions in relation to quadrants.

Appears on

One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20121 to 20163. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.


2068 Graphics and Trig

Source Code

    4 REM 2068 graphics and trig
    5 REM            by
    6 REM       Andy Centek                   Garden City, MI
    8 PAPER 0: INK 7: CLS : GO SUB 200
   10 GO SUB 1000
   14 PRINT AT 2,5;"Trig. affects on graphics."
   15 PRINT "Showing plots of trig functions in relation to quadrants."
   16 PAUSE 0: CLS 
   20 CLS : PRINT TAB 14;"MENU"
   22 PRINT ''"1-Graph with trig functions"'"  labeled on graph."
   24 PRINT ''"2-Sample program"
   26 PRINT ''"3-Run a program"
   28 INPUT n
   30 IF n<>1 AND n<>2 AND n<>3 THEN GO TO 28
   32 IF n=1 THEN GO TO 40
   34 IF n=2 THEN GO SUB 300
   36 GO TO 399
   39 STOP 
   40 CLS 
   44 PLOT 0,88: DRAW 255,0
   45 PLOT 128,0: DRAW 0,166
   50 PRINT AT 0,12;"Quadrants"
   55 PRINT AT 0,6;"II";AT 0,23;"I";AT 21,6;"III";AT 21,23;"IV"
   57 PRINT AT 2,5;"+SIN ";AT 3,5;"\a\a\a\a";AT 4,5;"-COS ";AT 3,10;"=-TAN "
   58 PAUSE 10: PRINT AT 2,20;"+SIN ";AT 3,20;"\a\a\a\a";AT 3,25;"=+TAN ";AT 4,20;"+COS "
   59 PAUSE 10: PRINT AT 17,5;"-SIN ";AT 18,5;"\a\a\a\a";AT 18,10;"=+TAN ";AT 19,5;"-COS "
   60 PAUSE 10: PRINT AT 17,20;"-SIN ";AT 18,20;"\a\a\a\a";AT 18,25;"=-TAN ";AT 19,20;"-COS "
   61 PRINT AT 21,15;"-Y";AT 1,15;"+Y";AT 10,0; OVER 1;"-X";AT 10,30; OVER 1;"+X"
   64 PLOT 128,88: DRAW 40,35: PLOT 128,88: DRAW 30,0: DRAW 0,27
   65 PRINT AT 7,20;"S";AT 8,20;"i";AT 9,20;"n"
   66 PLOT 128,88: DRAW 42,0: DRAW 0,38
   67 PRINT AT 6,22;"T";AT 7,22;"a";AT 8,22;"n"
   68 PRINT AT 11,17;"Cos"
   69 CIRCLE 128,88,40
   70 FOR a=-40 TO 40 STEP 1.25: BEEP .01,-a: BEEP .01,+a: NEXT a
   97 INPUT "Enter >>m<< ( ret to menu)";a$
   98 IF a$<>"m" THEN GO TO 97
  100 GO TO 20
  199 STOP 
  202 PRINT AT 0,4;"Coming up---GRAPHICS "
  205 FOR x=15 TO 0 STEP -1: BEEP .01,x: PRINT AT INT (RND*2-x),INT (RND*x+x);"*": NEXT x
  206 BRIGHT 1: PAPER 1: INK 7: BORDER 0
  208 FOR n=0 TO 12
  210 FOR a=0 TO 65 STEP 3
  225 LET r=2-(a*SIN (n/3*PI))
  230 LET c=10-(a*COS (n/6*PI))
  235 PLOT 120,90: DRAW c,r
  240 NEXT a
  245 NEXT n
  250 PRINT INVERSE 1;AT 19,0;"          ANDY CENTEK, JR.      "       
  260 PRINT AT 1,5;"*";AT 5,3;"*";AT 10,25;"*";AT 20,7;"*"
  270 PAUSE 300: CLS : RETURN 
  300 REM ** DRAW graph **
  305 CLS 
  310 PLOT 0,88: DRAW 255,0: PLOT 128,0: DRAW 0,166
  320 PRINT AT 0,12;"Quadrants"
  325 PRINT AT 0,6;"II";AT 0,23;"I";AT 21,6;"III";AT 21,23;"IV"
  330 PRINT AT 21,15;"-Y";AT 1,15;"+Y";AT 10,0; OVER 1;"-X";AT 10,30; OVER 1;"+X"
  335 PAUSE 100
  340 FOR a=0 TO 360 STEP 3
  345 LET x=30*SIN (a*PI/180)
  350 LET y=20*COS (a*PI/180)
  352 PRINT AT 18,5;"X=";INT (x);AT 19,5;"Y=";INT (y)
  355 PLOT 128+x,88+y: DRAW x,y
  356 PRINT AT 17,20;"A=0 to 360";AT 18,19;"X=20 x SIN A";AT 19,19;"Y=30 x COS A"
  357 PAUSE 20: PRINT AT 18,5;"X=   ";AT 19,5;"Y=   ";
  360 NEXT a
  365 INPUT "return to menu";a$: PAUSE 0
  370 GO TO 20
  398 STOP 
  400 REM ** main program **
  401 CLS : PRINT BRIGHT 1;'"Showing the effects of the"'"multipliers of the SIN and COS."
  402 PAUSE 0: INPUT "ENTER multipliers,  ONE number  for the SIN (1 - 35) and ONE forthe COS. (1 - 30)";s,c
  404 PAPER 1: INK 7: BORDER 5
  405 CLS 
  406 GO TO 460
  410 FOR a=0 TO 360 STEP 3
  420 LET y=c*COS (a*PI/180)
  430 LET x=s*SIN (a*PI/180)
  435 PLOT 128+x,88+y: DRAW x,y
  455 NEXT a
  456 INPUT "Another or a new program (a or n)?";q$
  457 IF q$<>"a" AND q$<>"n" THEN GO TO 456
  458 IF q$="a" THEN CLS : GO TO 400
  459 GO TO 500
  460 REM ** draw graph**
  461 CLS 
  465 PLOT 0,88: DRAW 255,0: PLOT 128,0: DRAW 0,166
  475 PRINT AT 0,12;"Quadrants"
  480 PRINT AT 0,6;"II";AT 0,23;"I";AT 21,6;"III";AT 21,23;"IV"
  485 PRINT AT 21,15;"-Y";AT 1,15;"+Y";AT 10,0; OVER 1;"-X";AT 10,30; OVER 1;"+X"
  492 PRINT AT 18,2;s;" x SIN";AT 19,2;c;" x COS";
  496 GO TO 410
  500 REM ** dividing PI by degrees **
  505 CLS 
  507 PRINT '''"Dividing PI by degrees(0 to 360)";"Input degrees for...";
  508 INPUT "SIN ";d1: INPUT ;"COS ";d2
  509 CLS : PLOT 0,88: DRAW 255,0: PLOT 128,0: DRAW 0,166
  510 FOR a=0 TO 720 STEP 2.5
  515 PRINT AT 21,0;"PI/";d1;" SIN  - PI/";d2;" COS"
  525 LET y=25*COS (a*PI/d2)
  530 LET x=35*SIN (a*PI/d1)
  535 PLOT 128+x,88*y: DRAW x,y
  545 NEXT a
  550 INPUT "Another or next program(a/n)?";q$
  555 IF q$<>"a" AND q$<>"n" THEN GO TO 550
  560 IF q$="a" THEN GO TO 500
  600 CLS 
  605 REM  ** plot over functions **
  610 PRINT '"Values for SIN and COS."'" Max. SIN Val. = 120"'" Max. COS Val. =80"
  611 PRINT '"Dividing PI by degrees (0-360)"
  612 INPUT "SIN";s: INPUT "COS";c: INPUT "STEP ";s1: INPUT "SIN PI / degrees";d1: INPUT "COS PI / degrees";d2
  613 IF s>120 OR c>80 THEN CLS : PRINT AT 11,13;"TOO BIG !!": GO TO 610
  614 CLS : PRINT AT 19,1;s;" x SIN PI/";d1;AT 20,1;c;" x COS PI/";d2;
  615 FOR a=0 TO 360 STEP 3
  617 PLOT 0,88: DRAW 255,0: PLOT 128,0: DRAW 0,166
  619 FOR a=0 TO 720 STEP s1
  620 LET y=c*COS (a*PI/d2)
  625 LET x=s*SIN (a*PI/d1)
  630 PLOT 128+(x/2),88+(y/2): DRAW x/2,y/2
  635 NEXT a
  640 INPUT "Another or back to menu ?(a/b) ";q$
  645 IF q$<>"a" AND q$<>"b" THEN GO TO 640
  646 IF q$="a" THEN GO TO 612
  660 GO TO 20
 1000 REM get line USR a
 1002 FOR n=0 TO 7
 1004 READ a: POKE USR "a"+n,a
 1006 NEXT n
 1010 DATA 0,0,0,255,0,0,0,0
 1015 RETURN 
 9998 STOP 
 9999 SAVE "GrafTrig" LINE 1
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