Program will enable you to multiply any two multi-digit numbers together and obtain an accurate answer.
Appears on
Library tape of the Indiana Sinclair Timex User’s Group.
Source Code
10 REM This program will enable you to multiply any two multi-digit numbers together and obtain an accurate answer 20 REM BY G. F. CHAMBERS An expansion of a routine foundin the June 1983 issue of "YOUR COMPUTER" magazine, page 54 30 CLS 40 PRINT TAB 8;"MULTIPLICATION" 50 PRINT TAB 8;"\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''" 60 INPUT "Enter the first number ";x$ 70 INPUT "Enter the second number ";y$ 80 DIM a(LEN x$+LEN y$+1) 90 FOR m=LEN x$ TO 1 STEP -1 100 FOR n=LEN y$ TO 1 STEP -1 110 LET c=m+n 120 LET r=1 130 LET b=VAL x$(m) 140 LET a(c)=VAL y$(n)*b+a(c) 150 LET i=INT (a(c)/10) 160 LET a(c)=a(c)-(i*10) 170 LET a(c-1)=a(c-1)+i 180 NEXT n: NEXT m 190 PRINT AT 5,0 200 PRINT x$;" x ";y$;" = "'' 210 IF a(1)=0 THEN LET r=2 220 FOR p=r TO (LEN x$+LEN y$) 230 PRINT a(p);: NEXT p 240 PRINT AT 15,1;"Another multiplication? (y/n)" 250 IF INKEY$="" THEN GO TO 250 260 IF INKEY$="y" OR INKEY$="Y" THEN RUN 270 STOP 280 SAVE "MULTIPLY" LINE 20