64 Column BASIC

Developer(s): Wes Brzozowski
Date: October 1985
Type: Cassette
Platform(s): TS 2068

Short machine language program to allow using 64 column mode with BASIC programs.


Library tape of the Indiana Sinclair Timex User’s Group.
Library tape from the Sinclair Computer Users Society (SINCUS).


Source Code

   10 CLEAR 59999
   20 LOAD ""CODE 
   30 PAPER 2: CLS 
   40 PRINT AT 10,8;"64 Column BASIC"
   50 PRINT AT 12,7;"By Wes Brzozowski"
   70 PRINT #1;"   Press N for NEW or D for a        little demonstration"
   90 IF INKEY$="d" OR INKEY$="D" THEN GO TO 1000
  100 GO TO 80
 1000 PAPER 7: CLS : RANDOMIZE USR 60000
 1010 PRINT BRIGHT 0;"This is an example of 64 column printing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
 1020 PRINT : PRINT BRIGHT 1;"...........And Here's a darker version"; BRIGHT 0
 1030 PRINT : PRINT "You can use either one, depending on the clarity of your TV set"
 1040 PRINT : PRINT "...Or, you can use "; BRIGHT 1;"both"; BRIGHT 0;" in order to highlight "; BRIGHT 1;"some important      point"; BRIGHT 0
 1050 PRINT : PRINT "You can use the graphic characters...\:.\.:\..\:'\: \: \.'\. \::"
 1060 PRINT : PRINT INVERSE 1;"...Or inverted characters"; INVERSE 0
 1070 PRINT : PRINT "And you do it all with BASIC commands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
 1080 PRINT : PRINT "AT and TAB still work, but now you can extend them to 64 columns"
 1090 PRINT : PRINT "The user defined graphics work too, but not too clearly."
 1100 PRINT : PRINT "If you have a TS2040 printer, turn it on.  In any case, press a key to continue"
 1110 PAUSE 4e4: PAPER 1
 1120 FLASH 1: PRINT "If you're trying to figure out what just happened, the printer  first printed the left hand side of the screen, and then the    right side.  The alternative, (printing sideways) could just as easily have been done, but it uses up 1/3 more paper.  Using    scissors and glue is a bit bothersome, but not overly much.  I  hope you'll agree."
 1130 PRINT BRIGHT 1;AT 8,9;"The 64 column mode is limited by the hardware"
 1140 PRINT AT 9,9;"to only 8 combinations of ink/paper, and only"
 1150 PRINT AT 10,9;"a couple of those are readable.  Press a key"
 1160 PRINT AT 11,9;"to see all eight combinations............"
 1170 PAUSE 4e4
 1180 FOR j=1 TO 8: INK (8-j): PAUSE 60: NEXT j
 1190 PRINT : PRINT "And now, if you'll press another key, I'll return you to the 32 column mode.  Go ahead..list the program and look at the almost-normal BASIC commands used.  Now change it around, and see what happens.  Re-enter with GOTO 40."
 1200 PRINT : PRINT "               ***** HAVE FUN!!!!!!! *****"
 1210 PAUSE 4e4
 1220 BRIGHT 0: FLASH 1: STOP 
 9000 STOP 
 9999 SAVE CHR$ 18+CHR$ 1+"64cols"+CHR$ 18+CHR$ 0 LINE 10: BEEP .1,1: SAVE CHR$ 18+CHR$ 1+"code!!"+CHR$ 18+CHR$ 1CODE 60000,800
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