Auto Answer

Developer(s): Randy Kuhn
Date: 198x
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

Auto answer phone calls with the 2040 modem.

Appears on

One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20001 to 20050. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.


Auto Answer

Source Code

    2 REM Written by
    3 REM Randy Kuhn
    5 OUT 119,34
    6 OUT 119,0
   10 LET A=IN 119
   20 IF A=5 THEN GO TO 10
   30 PAUSE 400
   40 LET A=IN 119
   45 IF A=5 THEN GO TO 10
   60 LET A=IN 119
   65 IF A=5 THEN GO TO 10
   70 LIST 
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