Makes a giant printout of SCREEN$ loaded, automatically outputting to the 2040 printer.
Appears on
One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20001 to 20050. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.
Source Code
1 REM "BIGSTUFF" 2 REM By Roland Lumby Your Spectrum Magazine May 85 3 REM modified by Jack Keene TSUG Ft Worth Texas Data Expansion Sep 85 4 REM Makes a giant printout of SCREEN$ loaded, Automatically outputting to the 2040 printer. 5 REM Be sure to have a fresh roll of paper as the printout will be in the form of 8 strips to make up a 21 x 25.5 inch print when trimmed and mounted together. 6 REM A good source of SCREEN$ is from title screens of commercial programs you may have. 10 PRINT AT 10,0;"HUGE SCREEN$ FANCY PRINTER COPY" 20 PRINT ''"HAVE PRINTER READY LOAD SCREEN$ " 30 LOAD ""CODE 16384 40 FOR N=0 TO 28 STEP 4 50 POKE 32769,N: POKE 32772,N 60 LPRINT : LPRINT : LPRINT : LPRINT : LPRINT : RANDOMIZE USR 32768 65 IF N=28 THEN GO TO 90 70 FOR T=60 TO -20 STEP -2 80 BEEP .1,T: PAUSE 60: NEXT T 90 LPRINT : LPRINT : LPRINT : LPRINT : LPRINT 100 NEXT N 110 BEEP .1,30: PAUSE 2: GO TO 110 998 STOP 999 REM udgs for shading and color representation 1000 CLEAR 32767: FOR U=USR "A" TO USR "H"+7: READ A: POKE U,A: NEXT U 1010 DATA 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255 1020 DATA 255,221,255,247,255,191,253,239 1030 DATA 255,171,255,213,255,171,255,213 1040 DATA 170,85,170,85,170,85,171,85 1050 DATA 85,85,85,85,85,85,85,85 1060 DATA 0,84,0,42,0,84,0,42 1070 DATA 0,34,0,8,0,64,2,16 1080 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999 REM screen dump machine code 2000 FOR X=32768 TO 32847: READ C: POKE X,C: NEXT X 2010 DATA 33,00,64,17,00,88,00,00,00,06,03,197,14,08,229,06,08,229,213,197,14,04,126,06,08,203,23,245,26,56,06,203,31,203,31,203,31,230,07,198,144,215,241,16,236,35,19,13,32,228,193,209,225,36,16,217,225,197,01,32,00,09,235,09,235,193,13,32,201,167,62,07,132,103,193,16,190,00,00,201 2020 GO TO 10 9998 REM SAVE with GO TO 9999 9999 SAVE "BIGSTUFF" LINE 1000