“BOLD” Character Subroutine

Developer(s): Frank Bouldin
Date: 1985
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

Add to a program to have optional bold characters.

Appears on

One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20001 to 20050. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.


“BOLD” Character Subroutine

Source Code

   10 REM  "BOLD" Character sub- routine
   20 REM  by F. Bouldin & Ben      Jackson (7-12-85)
   30 REM  Near beginning of yourprogram before any print state- ments add statement "GOSUB 9000"then add subroutine below (lines9000-9530).
   40 REM  Example:
   42 REM 
   45 GO SUB 9000
   50 PRINT AT 10,2;"TIMEX-SINCLAIR 2068 Computer";AT 12,6;"---sample fonts---";AT 14,0;"AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz1234567890.,*/?`:ยฉ;)('&%$#@!......Now is thetime for all good men to come tothe aid of their country!"
   55 REM note required statement"GOSUB 9040" in line 60 for thisexample.
   60 PRINT FLASH 1;AT 10,2;AT 21,2;" Press any key to repeat ": PAUSE 0: CLS : GO SUB 9040: GO TO 50
 7000 REM 
 8000 REM 
 9000 REM  "BOLD" character sub- routine
 9010 REM  Machine code routine
 9020 RESTORE 9500: FOR I=63900 TO 63979: READ A: POKE I,A: NEXT I
 9030 RANDOMIZE USR 63900
 9040 PRINT AT 11,0;"""BOLD"" characters desired?...Y/N"
 9050 IF INKEY$="Y" OR INKEY$="y" THEN POKE 23607,250: CLS : RETURN 
 9060 IF INKEY$="N" OR INKEY$="n" THEN POKE 23607,60: CLS : RETURN 
 9070 GO TO 9050
 9080 REM 
 9500 DATA 42,54,92,17,0,250,1,0,4,126,18,230,3,32,4,126,203,207
 9505 REM 
 9510 DATA 18,126,230,7,32,4,126,203,215,18,126,230,15,32,4,126
 9515 REM 
 9520 DATA 203,223,18,126,230,31,32,4,126,203,231,18,126,230,63,32,4,126,203,239,18,126,254,66,32
 9525 REM 
 9530 DATA 4,126,203,239,18,126,254,0,32,3,62,0,18,19,35,11,120,177,32,186,201
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