Generates inserts for plastic cassette boxes.
Appears on
Capital Area Timex Sinclair User Group’s Library Tape.
One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20083 to 20120. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.
Source Code
5 REM ** Titles for top of cassette case. 10 PRINT "********************************" 15 PRINT "** **" 20 PRINT "** PROGRAM: CstteLabel **" 25 PRINT "** **" 30 PRINT "** by R Clough 8/18/85 **" 35 PRINT "********************************": PRINT : PRINT 36 GO SUB 1000 37 PRINT "--------------------------------" 38 LPRINT "--------------------------------" 39 PAUSE 100: CLS : PRINT "*": LPRINT "*" 40 REM * Titles for end window of cassette case. 41 PRINT "Title SIDE A" 45 INPUT A$ 50 PRINT "Title SIDE B" 55 INPUT B$ 60 CLS : FOR I=1 TO 20: PRINT : LPRINT : NEXT I 61 LPRINT "________________________________" 65 PRINT "SIDE A- ";A$: LPRINT "SIDE A- ";A$ 70 PRINT "SIDE B- ";B$: LPRINT "SIDE B- ";B$ 85 FOR I=1 TO 7: PRINT : LPRINT : NEXT I 110 PRINT "--------------------------------" 111 LPRINT "--------------------------------" 115 PRINT "SIDE A- ";A$: LPRINT "SIDE A- ";A$ 120 FOR I=1 TO 4: PRINT : LPRINT : NEXT I 125 PRINT "--------------------------------" 126 LPRINT "--------------------------------" 130 PRINT "SIDE B- ";B$: LPRINT "SIDE B- ";B$ 135 FOR I=1 TO 4: PRINT : LPRINT : NEXT I 140 PRINT "--------------------------------" 141 LPRINT "--------------------------------" 145 FOR I=1 TO 4: PRINT : LPRINT : NEXT I 160 PRINT "********************************" 161 LPRINT "********************************" 165 PRINT "*";TAB 9;"END OF PROGRAM";TAB 31;"*" 166 LPRINT "*";TAB 9;"END OF PROGRAM";TAB 31;"*" 170 PRINT "********************************" 171 LPRINT "********************************" 175 FOR I=1 TO 3: PRINT : LPRINT : NEXT I 200 STOP 1000 PRINT " Cassette Label Instructions": PRINT 1001 LPRINT : LPRINT : LPRINT " Cassette Label Instructions": LPRINT 1010 PRINT " Use this label for cassette case. It will indicate the con-tents through the plexiglass." 1011 LPRINT " Use this label for cassette case. It will indicate the con-tents through the plexiglass." 1020 PRINT "If you cut where the dotted lineindicates, and trim the left edge so it fits the case, then fold on the solid line, you should have a good fit!" 1021 LPRINT "If you cut where the dotted lineindicates, and trim the left edge so it fits the case, then fold on the solid line, you should have a good fit!" 1030 PRINT : PRINT " Another idea. You can paste the label to the cassette perm- anently with rubber cement at the same time you punch out the tabs." 1031 LPRINT : LPRINT " Another idea. You can paste the label to the cassette perm- anently with rubber cement at the same time you punch out the tabs." 1040 LPRINT : LPRINT "BETTER THAN TYPING OR WRITING IT BY HAND, EH?" 1045 FOR I=1 TO 5: PRINT : LPRINT : NEXT I 1090 RETURN 1100 STOP 9999 SAVE "cssetlabel" LINE 1