Clip Art

Date: 198x
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

Displays several different images. Add these subroutines to your program.

Appears on

One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20001 to 20050. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.


Clip Art

Source Code

   15 REM "cl art 1a"
   16 PRINT AT 1,7;"Clip Art Program" 
   17 PRINT 
   18 PRINT AT 3,4;"(Allows Menu Selection)"
   19 PRINT 
   20 PRINT "Input  1 for # 500 -Box,        Input  2 for #1000 -Flower,     Input  3 for #1500 -Sun,        Input  4 for #2000 -Cake,       Input  5 for #2500 -Bee,        Input  6 for #3000 -Church,     Input  7 for #3500 -Valentine,  Input  8 for #4000 -Girl,       Input  9 for #4500 -Star,       Input 10 for #5000 -Sunburst,   Input 11 if you are finished."
   21 PRINT 
   27 PRINT "Input the next Clip Art number   if you want to add  it to the  previous one."
   29 PRINT "Note: Always input an 11 before  copying or inputing text."
   30 INPUT Number
   40 CLS 
   50 GO TO 500*Number
  500 REM "Note Box"
  510 DRAW 0,160: DRAW 250,-0: DRAW 0,-160: DRAW -250,0: PLOT 24,16: DRAW 0,125: DRAW 200,-0: DRAW 0,-125: DRAW -200,0
  520 INPUT Number
  530 GO TO 50
 1000 REM "A Flower"
 1010 CIRCLE 127,90,10: DRAW 14,0: DRAW -15,0,.6*PI: DRAW 15,0,.6*PI
 1020 PLOT 117,90: DRAW -14,0: DRAW 15,0,.6*PI: DRAW -15,0,.6*PI
 1030 PLOT 127,100: DRAW 0,14: DRAW -0,-15,.6*PI: DRAW 0,15,.6*PI
 1040 PLOT 127,80: DRAW 0,-14: DRAW -0,15,.6*PI: DRAW 0,-15,.6*PI
 1050 PLOT 119,85: DRAW -9,-11: DRAW 11,11,.6*PI: DRAW -12,-12,.6*PI
 1060 PLOT 118,97: DRAW -9,11: DRAW 11,-12,.6*PI: DRAW -11,12,.6*PI
 1070 PLOT 136,95: DRAW 10,10: DRAW -11,-11,.6*PI: DRAW 11,11,.6*PI
 1080 PLOT 135,81: DRAW 10,-10: DRAW -11,11,.6*PI: DRAW 11,-11,.6*PI
 1090 PLOT 127,75: DRAW 0,-45: DRAW 6,22: DRAW 4,-16: DRAW -7,-5: DRAW -3,0: DRAW -8,25: DRAW -4,-8: DRAW 12,-18
 1100 INPUT Number
 1110 GO TO 50
 1500 REM "The Sun"
 1510 CIRCLE 145,110,20
 1520 CIRCLE 145,111,20
 1530 PRINT AT 7,17;"โ–– โ––"
 1540 PLOT 136,110
 1550 DRAW 20,0,PI
 1560 INPUT Number
 1570 GO TO 50
 2000 REM "B. Cake"
 2010 CIRCLE 160,90,17
 2020 PLOT 143,90: DRAW 0,-25: DRAW 34,0: DRAW 0,25: PLOT 135,80: DRAW 50,0,PI: PLOT 135,80: DRAW 2,6: DRAW 6,9: PLOT 185,80: DRAW -2,6: DRAW -6,9
 2030 PLOT 165,90: DRAW 0,20: PLOT 165,115: DRAW 1,1: PLOT 155,95: DRAW 0,20: PLOT 155,120
 2040 INPUT Number
 2050 GO TO 50
 2500 REM "A Bee"
 2510 PLOT 125,90: DRAW -50,0,.6*PI: DRAW 50,0,.6*PI: CIRCLE 130,95,7: DRAW -5,20: DRAW 5,-20: DRAW 5,20
 2520 PRINT AT 10,11;"โ–Œ โ–Œ": PRINT AT 11,11;"โ–Œ โ–Œ": PRINT AT 9,11;"โ–– โ––"
 2530 PLOT 120,95: DRAW -50,0,.3*PI: PLOT 110,100: DRAW -15,20: DRAW -10,3: DRAW -3,-3: DRAW 2,-10: DRAW 10,-6: DRAW 12,-3
 2540 INPUT Number
 2550 GO TO 50
 3000 REM "Church"
 3010 PLOT 125,110: DRAW 50,4: DRAW 30,-30: DRAW -60,0: DRAW -22,27: DRAW -22,-25: DRAW 4,4: DRAW 0,-50: DRAW 35,0: DRAW 0,48: DRAW 0,-48: DRAW 55,12: DRAW 0,32
 3020 PLOT 125,111: DRAW 0,40: DRAW 5,-40: DRAW -10,0: DRAW 3,40: DRAW -3,-40: DRAW 0,-3
 3030 PLOT 128,75: DRAW -13,0,PI: DRAW 0,-29: DRAW 13,0: DRAW 0,29
 3040 INPUT Number
 3050 GO TO 50
 3500 REM "Valentine"
 3510 PLOT 200,100
 3530 DRAW -40,0,PI: PLOT 160,100: DRAW -40,0,PI
 3540 PLOT 120,100: DRAW 40,-50,.3*PI: DRAW 40,50,.3*PI
 3550 PRINT AT 8,6;"B E"
 3560 PRINT AT 12,8;"M Y"
 3570 PRINT AT 17,6;"V A L E N T I N E"
 3580 INPUT Number
 3590 GO TO 50
 4000 REM   Girl
 4010 CIRCLE 125,90,20
 4020 DRAW 20,0,PI: PLOT 85,90: DRAW 20,0,PI
 4030 PRINT AT 10,14;"โ–ˆ โ–ˆ"
 4040 PLOT 120,81: DRAW 10,0,.5*PI
 4050 INPUT Number
 4060 GO TO 50
 4500 REM   Star
 4510 PLOT 0,100: PLOT 70,100: DRAW 100,0: DRAW -70,-50: DRAW 10,100: DRAW 50,-100: DRAW -90,50
 4520 INPUT Number
 4530 GO TO 50
 5000 REM  Sunburst
 5010 PRINT AT 10,10;"______โ–ˆ______"
 5020 PLOT 132,90: DRAW 0,45: PLOT 132,90: DRAW 0,-45: PLOT 132,87: DRAW 10,44: PLOT 132,87: DRAW 10,-44: PLOT 132,87: DRAW 20,42
 5030 PLOT 132,87: DRAW 20,-42: PLOT 132,87: DRAW 30,38: PLOT 132,87: DRAW 30,-38
 5040 PLOT 132,87: DRAW 40,32: PLOT 132,87: DRAW 40,-32: PLOT 132,90: DRAW 50,20
 5050 PLOT 132,89: DRAW 50,-23: PLOT 132,89: DRAW 50,12: PLOT 132,89: DRAW 50,-12
 5060 PLOT 132,90: DRAW 10,-10
 5070 REM Start on left side
 5080 PLOT 132,90: DRAW -10,45: PLOT 132,90: DRAW -10,-45
 5090 PLOT 132,90: DRAW -20,45: PLOT 132,90: DRAW -20,-45: PLOT 132,90: DRAW -30,42
 5100 PLOT 132,90: DRAW -30,-42: PLOT 132,90: DRAW -40,36: PLOT 132,90: DRAW -40,-36: PLOT 132,90: DRAW -50,22
 5110 PLOT 132,90: DRAW -50,-22: PLOT 132,90: DRAW -53,12: PLOT 132,90: DRAW -53,-12
 5120 INPUT Number
 5130 GO TO 50
 5500 STOP 


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