Curve 2

Date: 198x
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

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Source Code

    1 REM      curve program             
   10 LET a=60: DIM x(20): DIM y(20): DIM b(20): DIM c(120): DIM d(120)
  100 INPUT "total number of corners:  ";g
  110 LET n=g-1
  120 INPUT "first coordinates: x=";x;" y=";y
  130 FOR i=1 TO n+1
  140 LET x(i)=x: LET y(i)=y
  150 PLOT x,y: IF i=n+1 THEN GO TO 180
  160 INPUT "next coordinates: x=";x;" y=";y
  180 NEXT i
  190 GO SUB 510
  400 STOP 
  510 LET c(1)=x(1): LET d(1)=y(1)
  530 FOR e=2 TO a-1
  540 LET j=((e-1))/(a-1): LET b(1)=(1-j)^n
  550 FOR i=1 TO n
  560 LET b(i+1)=(g-i)/i*j/(1-j)*b(i)
  570 NEXT i
  580 LET c(e)=0: LET d(e)=0
  590 FOR i=1 TO n+1
  600 LET c(e)=c(e)+b(i)*x(i)
  610 LET d(e)=d(e)+b(i)*y(i)
  620 NEXT i
  630 NEXT e
  640 LET c(a)=x(g): LET d(a)=y(g)
  650 INPUT "C)curve only F)frame & curve";z$
  660 IF z$="c" THEN GO TO 710
  670 FOR i=1 TO n
  680 PLOT x(i),y(i)
  690 DRAW x(i+1)-x(i),y(i+1)-y(i)
  700 NEXT i
  710 FOR e=2 TO a-1
  720 PLOT c(e),d(e)
  730 NEXT e
  740 RETURN 


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