Machine code program that translates TS1000 programs into 2068 programs.
Appears on
Capital Area Timex Sinclair User Group’s Library Tape.
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Syntax commissioned a custom program, written by David Ornstein, to convert your existing programs for the 2068 or 48K Spectrums. This program translates input bytes from ZX/TS tapes to an equal number of output bytes in your 2068 that you must edit, and then save. Codes & program control structures differ in the two designs,
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Source Code
2 GO TO 40 10 DATA 1,181,0,17,0,92,33,136,111,237,176,1,124,146,17,62,105,33,62,112,237,176,201 15 FOR i=24606 TO 24628 25 READ v 30 POKE i,v 35 NEXT i 40 STOP 100 INPUT v 110 FOR i=v TO v+10 120 PRINT i, 130 INPUT t 135 PRINT t, 137 POKE i,t 140 NEXT i 150 GO TO 207 205 INPUT "start";v 206 IF v=0 THEN LET v=45000 207 LET b$=" " 210 FOR i=v TO (v+300) STEP 5 220 PRINT i; 230 FOR j=0 TO 4 240 LET x=PEEK (i+j) 250 IF x<100 THEN LET b$=" " 255 IF x<10 THEN LET b$=" " 260 PRINT " ";b$;x; 270 LET b$=" " 280 NEXT j 290 PRINT " "; 295 NEXT i 299 STOP 300 FOR i=44000 TO 45234 310 IF PEEK i<>PEEK (i+6000) THEN PRINT i,PEEK i 320 NEXT i 500 CLS 501 PRINT " Loading code... Please wait" 510 LOAD ""CODE 600 CLS 610 PRINT " Enter: CLEAR 43999 :NEW then: RANDOMIZE USR 45000" 699 STOP 700 SAVE "firstloadr" LINE 500 710 SAVE "firstloadr"CODE 44000,1234 799 STOP