Font III

Date: 1985
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

3 fonts, can be used with banner3.

Appears on

Library tape from the Sinclair Computer Users Society (SINCUS).

Source Code

    5 REM font III  -  Can be    merged with 'banner3' program
   10 REM font III                        ZX/TS FORUM  9/85
   20 CLS : CLEAR 65279: FOR i=0 TO 79: READ k: POKE 65280+i,k: NEXT i
   30 DATA 0,0,121,203,39,203,39,50,21,255,33,0,61,17,0,252
   40 DATA 1,0,3,126,24,48,203,63,24,44,230,112,24,37,121,230
   50 DATA 7,203,39,50,40,255,126,24,30,24,28,24,16,24,14,24,14,24
   60 DATA 20,24,18,24,2,203,63,203,63,24,10,203,39,203,39,24,4
   70 DATA 183,203,39,182,18,35,19,11,120,177,32,196,201
  100 REM                                                             Here's some instructions       on how to use this program.                                  
  110 REM for BOLD                RAND USR 65280: POKE 23607,251
  120 REM for MODERN              RAND USR 65281: POKE 23607,251
  130 REM for ITALICS             RAND USR 65282: POKE 23607,251
  140 REM for REGULAR             POKE 23606,0: POKE 23607,60


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