
Developer(s): Max Schoenfeld
Date: 198
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

Appears on

Library tape of the Indiana Sinclair Timex User’s Group.

Source Code

   10 CLS 
   20 REM "inc tx 789" - revised 11/25/86
   30 REM  - by Max Schoenfeld
   40 PRINT '''"Max's fast income tax program!!"
   50 PRINT '"     Please note that tax rate  break points (income levels at  which the tax rate shifts       upwards) will be indexed for in-flation beginning in 1989.  So  will deduction amounts.  Exemp- tion amounts will be indexed    beginning in 1990.  No allowancefor these changes can be pre-   dicted and so are not in this   program." 
   60 PRINT '''"   Press any key when ready."
   80 PRINT "Answer all questions with the   amount asked for.  Enter zero ifquestion does not apply to you. Do not use commas in numbers.   (For example, enter 5000, not   5,000.)  Press ENTER button     after answering each question."
   90 PRINT '"Press any key when ready."
  110 INPUT "What is your filing status?","s - single;",,"mj - married filing jointly;    ms - married filing separately; hh - head of household.";c$
  120 IF c$<>"s" AND c$<>"mj" AND c$<>"ms" AND c$<>"hh" THEN PRINT "Wrong filing status.  Start over": PAUSE 100: CLS 
  130 IF c$<>"s" AND c$<>"mj" AND c$<>"ms" AND c$<>"hh" THEN GO TO 110
  140 INPUT "Count your number of exemptions.(One each for self and spouse.) ";a
  150 INPUT "Count the number 65 and over,   and the number blind ";a1: IF a1>=5 THEN PRINT "Wrong answer.  Please make      correct entry.": PAUSE 60: GO TO 150
  160 IF c$="mj" OR c$="ms" THEN LET a1=.8*a1
  170 CLS : INPUT "List number of dependents. ";b
  180 INPUT "Wages, salaries, tips? ";c: INPUT "Interest income? ";d: INPUT "Dividend income? ";e: INPUT "Taxable pension? ";f: INPUT "Total other taxable income"'"(rents, capital gains, IRA dis- bursements, etc.)? ";p
  190 LET b1=c+d+e+f+p
  200 PRINT '"If you have no pension plan at  work you may deduct up to $2,000each for an IRA.  If you do","have a   pension plan you may   also deduct up to $2000 each    providing your adjusted gross   income is less than$ 25,000 for singles and $40,000 for joint   filers."
  210 INPUT "Any IRA deduction? ";g
  220 INPUT "Your Social Security? ";j
  230 INPUT "Any non-taxable interest? ";k
  240 IF c$="s" OR c$="hh" THEN LET l=25000
  250 IF c$="mj" THEN LET l=32000
  260 IF c$="ms" THEN LET l=0
  270 LET j1=((j/2+b1+k)-g-l)/2
  280 IF j1<=j/2 THEN LET j2=j1
  290 IF j1>j/2 THEN LET j2=j/2
  300 IF j1<=0 THEN LET j2=0
  310 PRINT "There is no longer a deduction  for married couples who both    work."
  320 CLS : PAUSE 60
  330 PRINT "Your total income is $ ";b1+j2
  340 LET agi=b1+j2-g
  350 PRINT '"Your Adjusted Gross Income is $ ";agi
  360 PRINT '
  370 PRINT "You can no longer deduct for    charitable contributions unless you itemize."
  380 PRINT 
  390 INPUT "Do you wish to itemize deduc-   tions (y/n)? ";d$
  400 IF d$="y" OR d$="Y" THEN GO SUB 1180
  410 PRINT : IF d$="y" OR d$="Y" THEN GO TO 590
  420 PRINT 
  430 IF c$="s" AND a1=0 THEN LET h7=2540
  440 IF c$="s" AND a1>=1 THEN LET h7=3000
  450 IF c$="s" THEN LET h8=3000
  460 IF c$="s" THEN LET h9=3000
  470 IF c$="mj" AND a1=0 THEN LET h7=3760
  480 IF c$="mj" AND a1>=.8 THEN LET h7=5000
  490 IF c$="mj" THEN LET h8=5000
  500 IF c$="mj" THEN LET h9=5000
  510 IF c$="ms" AND a1=0 THEN LET h7=1880
  520 IF c$="ms" AND a1>=.8 THEN LET h7=2500
  530 IF c$="ms" THEN LET h8=2500
  540 IF c$="ms" THEN LET h9=2500
  550 IF c$="hh" AND a1=0 THEN LET h7=2540
  560 IF c$="hh" AND a1>=1 THEN LET h7=4400
  570 IF c$="hh" THEN LET h8=4400
  580 IF c$="hh" THEN LET h9=4400
  590 PAUSE 60: CLS 
  600 PRINT "1987 exemptions - $ "; ((a+b)*1900)
  610 PRINT "1988 exemptions - $ "; ((a+b)*1950)
  620 PRINT "1989 exemptions - $ "; ((a+b)*2000)
  630 PRINT '"1987 deduction - $ ";h7+(a1*750)
  640 PRINT "1988 deduction - $ ";h8+(a1*750)
  650 PRINT "1989 deduction - $ ";h9+(a1*750)
  660 PRINT 
  670 LET ti87=b1+j2-(g+h7)-((a+b)*1900)-(a1*750): IF ti87<=0 THEN LET ti87=0
  680 LET ti88=b1+j2-(g+h8)-((a+b)*1950)-(a1*750): IF ti88<=0 THEN LET ti88=0
  690 LET ti89=b1+j2-(g+h9)-((a+b)*2000)-(a1*750): IF ti89<=0 THEN LET ti89=0
  700 PRINT '"1987 taxable income - $ ";ti87
  710 PRINT "1988 taxable income - $ ";ti88
  720 PRINT "1989 taxable income - $ ";ti89
  730 PRINT 
  740 IF c$="s" THEN GO TO 780
  750 IF c$="mj" THEN GO TO 880
  760 IF c$="hh" THEN GO TO 980
  770 IF c$="ms" THEN GO TO 1080
  780 IF ti87<=1800 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";ti87*.11
  790 IF ti87>1800 AND ti87<=16800 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";198+((ti87-1800)*.15)
  800 IF ti87>16800 AND ti87<=27000 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";2448+((ti87-16800)*.28)
  810 IF ti87>27000 AND ti87<=54000 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";5304+((ti87-27000)*.35)
  820 IF ti87>54000 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";14754+((ti87-54000)*.385)
  830 IF ti88<=17850 THEN PRINT "Your 1988 tax is: $ ";(ti88*.15)
  840 IF ti88>17850 THEN PRINT "Your 1988 tax is: $ ";2677.5+((ti88-17850)*.28)
  850 IF ti89<=17850 THEN PRINT "Your 1989 tax is: $ ";(ti89*.15)
  860 IF ti89>17850 THEN PRINT "Your 1989 tax is: $ ";2677.5+((ti89-17850)*.28)
  870 STOP 
  880 IF ti87<=3000 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";ti87*.11
  890 IF ti87>3000 AND ti87<=28000 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";330+((ti87-3000)*.15) 
  900 IF ti87>28000 AND ti87<=45000 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";4080+((ti87-28000)*.28) 
  910 IF ti87>45000 AND ti87<=90000 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";8840+((ti87-45000)*.35) 
  920 IF ti87>90000 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";24590+((ti87-90000)*.385) 
  930 IF ti88<=29750 THEN PRINT "Your 1988 tax is: $ ";(ti88*.15)
  940 IF ti88>29750 THEN PRINT "Your 1988 tax is: $ ";4462.5+((ti88-29750)*.28)
  950 IF ti89<=29750 THEN PRINT "Your 1989 tax is: $ ";(ti89*.15)
  960 IF ti89>29750 THEN PRINT "Your 1989 tax is: $ ";4462.5+((ti89-29750)*.28)
  970 STOP 
  980 IF ti87<=2500 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";ti87*.11
  990 IF ti87>2500 AND ti87<=23000 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";275+((ti87-2500)*.15)
 1000 IF ti87>23000 AND ti87<=38000 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";3350+((ti87-23000)*.28)
 1010 IF ti87>38000 AND ti87<=80000 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";7550+((ti87-38000)*.35)
 1020 IF ti87>80000 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";22250+((ti87-80000)*.385)
 1030 IF ti88<=23900 THEN PRINT "Your 1988 tax is: $ ";(ti88*.15)
 1040 IF ti88>23900 THEN PRINT "Your 1988 tax is: $ ";3585+((ti88-23900)*.28)
 1050 IF ti89<=23900 THEN PRINT "Your 1989 tax is: $ ";(ti89*.15)
 1060 IF ti89>23900 THEN PRINT "Your 1989 tax is: $ ";3585+((ti89-23900)*.28)
 1070 STOP 
 1080 IF ti87<=1500 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";ti87*.11
 1090 IF ti87>1500 AND ti87<=14000 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";165+((ti87-1500)*.15)
 1100 IF ti87>14000 AND ti87<=22500 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";2040+((ti87-14000)*.28)
 1110 IF ti87>22500 AND ti87<=45000 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";4420+((ti87-22500)*.35)
 1120 IF ti87>45000 THEN PRINT "Your 1987 tax is: $ ";12295+((ti87-45000)*.385)
 1130 IF ti88<=14875 THEN PRINT "Your 1988 tax is: $ ";ti88*.15
 1140 IF ti88>14875 THEN PRINT "Your 1988 tax is: $ ";2231.25+((ti88-14875)*.28)
 1150 IF ti89<=14875 THEN PRINT "Your 1989 tax is: $ ";ti89*.15
 1160 IF ti89>14875 THEN PRINT "Your 1989 tax is: $ ";2231.25+((ti89-14875)*.28)
 1170 STOP 
 1180 PRINT "There are many changes in what  you can itemize.  You can deductmedical expenses over 7.5% of   your adjusted gross income.  In-come and property taxes are de- ductible, but not sales tax.    Mortgage interest, only on two  homes, can be deducted.  Only a portion of other interest can bededucted.  Charitable contribu- tions are O.K. but not other    miscellaneous items."   
 1190 PRINT '"Press any key when ready to","itemize."
 1210 INPUT "Total medical expenses? ";a3
 1220 LET a4=a3-(agi*.075)
 1230 IF a4<0 THEN LET a4=0
 1240 INPUT "State and local income taxes? ";b4
 1250 INPUT "Real estate taxes? ";b5
 1260 INPUT "Mortgage interest (two homes    only? ";c4
 1270 INPUT "Any non-mortgage interest?  Noteonly part will be allowed. ";c5
 1280 INPUT "Charitable contributions? ";d3
 1290 LET h7=a4+b4+b5+c4+(c5*.65)+d3
 1300 LET h8=a4+b4+b5+c4+(c5*.4)+d3
 1310 LET h9=a4+b4+b5+c4+(c5*.2)+d3
 1320 IF c$="mj" AND a1=0 AND h7<=3760 THEN LET h7=3760
 1330 IF c$="mj" AND a1>=.8 AND h7<=5000 THEN LET h7=5000
 1340 IF c$="mj" AND h8<=5000 THEN LET h8=5000
 1350 IF c$="mj" AND h9<=5000 THEN LET h9=5000
 1360 IF c$="s" AND a1=0 AND h7<=2540 THEN LET h7=2540
 1370 IF c$="s" AND a1>=1 AND h7<=3000 THEN LET h7=3000
 1380 IF c$="s" AND h8<=3000 THEN LET h8=3000
 1390 IF c$="s" AND h9<=3000 THEN LET h9=3000
 1400 IF c$="hh" AND a1=0 AND h7<=2540 THEN LET h7=2540
 1410 IF c$="hh" AND a1>=1 AND h7<=4400 THEN LET h7=4400
 1420 IF c$="hh" AND h8<=4400 THEN LET h8=4400
 1430 IF c$="hh" AND h9<=4400 THEN LET h9=4400
 1440 IF c$="ms" AND a1=0 AND h7<=1880 THEN LET h7=1880
 1450 IF c$="ms" AND a1>=.8 AND h7<=2500 THEN LET h7=2500
 1460 IF c$="ms" AND h8<=2500 THEN LET h8=2500
 1470 IF c$="ms" AND h9<=2500 THEN LET h9=2500
 1480 RETURN 
 1490 SAVE "inc tx 789"
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