
Date: 198x
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 1000

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Assembled by Tim Ward from many sources. Contains programs 10252 – 10293.



Source Code

   5 FOR Z=VAL "1" TO VAL "15"
   6 PRINT "% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % "
   7 NEXT Z
   8 CLEAR 
   9 LET B=VAL "0"
  10 PRINT "%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O%O"
  11 PRINT "\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~\~~"
 100 FOR P=VAL "1" TO VAL "15"
 110 FOR Q=1 TO 30
 120 PRINT AT P,Q;" "
 125 IF B THEN GOTO 140
 130 IF INKEY$="" OR P=7 THEN GOTO 150
 131 LET R=P
 132 LET S=Q
 133 LET B=1
 140 PRINT AT R,S;"% "
 141 LET R=R+1
 142 LET S=S+1
 143 IF S>30 THEN LET S=0
 145 PRINT AT R,S;"\.:"
 146 IF R=15 THEN GOSUB 400
 280 PRINT AT P,Q;"% "
 290 NEXT Q
 299 NEXT P
 300 FOR Q=0 TO 30
 310 PRINT AT P,Q;" "
 320 IF 128<>PEEK (PEEK 16398+256*PEEK 16399) THEN GOTO 340
 330 NEXT Q
 340 PAUSE 250
 341 CLS 
 342 RUN 
 400 PRINT AT R,S;"% "
 410 LET B=0
 420 RETURN 
 430 CLEAR 
 440 SAVE "1026%3"
 450 RUN 


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