Joystick Wrapper

Developer(s): Martin DeBoniface
Date: 1985
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

Two programs to demonstrate moving an object based on reading the joystick.


Joystick Wrapper

Source Code

  300 REM Joy Stick Wrap around    ยฉ Martin DeBoniface 30/09/85  
  310 LET c=10: LET l=10
  320 PRINT AT l,c;"*"
  330 LET cc=c: LET ll=l
  340 LET s=STICK(1,2)
  350 LET b=STICK(2,2)
  360 LET c=c+((-31 OR c<31) AND (s=8 OR s=9 OR s=10))-((-31 OR c>0) AND (s=4 OR s=5 OR s=6))
  370 LET l=l+((-21 OR l<21) AND (s=2 OR s=6 OR s=10))-((-21 OR l>0) AND (s=1 OR s=5 OR s=9))
  380 PRINT AT 9,9;"FIRE" AND b=1
  390 PRINT AT ll,cc;" " AND (ll<>l OR cc<>c)
  400 GO TO 320
  410 SAVE "JoySTICKWrapAr": PRINT #0;AT 0,5;"Rewind ";"Tape to Verify ": VERIFY "JoySTICKWrapAr"
  420 STOP 
  430 REM                                     INDEX                                                  Meaningful Variable Names                                    c  = column             (0-31)  l  = line               (0-21)  cc = concurrent c value         ll = last l value               s  = stick value                b  = button value       (FIRE)
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