
Date: 198x
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

Used to facilitate the animation process. Move the cursor with the stick and draw. To save a frame, press the BREAK key.

Appears on

Library tape of the Indiana Sinclair Timex User’s Group.

Source Code

   10 CLEAR 125*256: REM 32000
   20 REM 32000 TO 34048=oldfram
   30 REM 65000=prog
   40 CLS : PRINT "This is Laurie"''"Laurie is used to facilitate theanimation process."'"You simply move the cursor with the stick and draw."''"To save a frame, press the BREAK key."
   50 BEEP .01,15: PAUSE 0
   60 PRINT '"To erase, press '0'"'"To continue drawing, press '9'"''"To increase/decrease block size,press '+' or '-'."
   70 PRINT "Once a frame is completed, and anew one is begun, the previous  frame will appear."'"You are left to erase this."
   80 BEEP .05,15: PAUSE 0
   90 CLS : REM draw
  100 PLOT 0,175-64: DRAW 255,0: LET x=125: LET y=165
  110 LET a=1
  120 LET b=0
  130 POKE 65002,125: POKE 65005,64
  140 RANDOMIZE USR 65000
  150 PLOT OVER 1,x,y: PLOT OVER 1,x,y
  160 IF INKEY$=" " THEN GO TO 340
  170 IF INKEY$="0" THEN LET a=0
  180 IF INKEY$="9" THEN LET a=1
  190 IF INKEY$="k" THEN LET b=b+1
  200 IF INKEY$="j" THEN LET b=b-1: IF b<0 THEN LET b=0
  210 IF |(1,1)=0 THEN GO TO 150
  220 IF |(2,1)=1 THEN LET a=-a
  230 LET x=x+(|(1,1)=8)-(|(1,1)=4)
  240 LET y=y+(|(1,1)=1)-(|(1,1)=2)
  250 IF |(1,1)=9 THEN LET x=x+1: LET y=y+1
  260 IF |(1,1)=10 THEN LET x=x+1: LET y=y-1
  270 IF |(1,1)=5 THEN LET x=x-1: LET y=y+1
  280 IF |(1,1)=6 THEN LET x=x-1: LET y=y-1
  290 IF a<>1 THEN PLOT INVERSE 1,x,y: GO TO 320
  300 PLOT x,y
  310 IF a=1 THEN DRAW 0,b: DRAW b,0: DRAW 0,-b: DRAW -b,0
  320 IF a<>1 THEN INVERSE 1: DRAW 0,b: DRAW b,0: DRAW 0,-b: DRAW -b,0: INVERSE 0
  330 GO TO 150
  340 PRINT AT 10,0; FLASH 1; BRIGHT 1;" "
  350 POKE 65002,64: POKE 65005,125
  360 RANDOMIZE USR 65000
  370 PRINT AT 10,1;"The drawing is copied."'"Now it will be saved under ""p""."
  380 SAVE "p"CODE 16384,2048
  390 PRINT AT 20,0;"Remember CODE not SCREEN$ "
  400 BEEP .05,15: PAUSE 0: GO TO 90
  410 CLEAR 65000: LET a$="033000125017000064001000008237176201": FOR f=65000 TO 65011: POKE f,VAL a$( TO PI): LET a$=a$(4 TO ): NEXT f: RUN 
  420 SAVE "Laurie" LINE 410


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