You have been placed in charge of a small lemonade stand at College and Yonge for a week. You start off with $10 in your pocket and you should try to make as much money as possible.
You are given the report for the day and you only need to make two decisions: How many cups to prepare, and For how much should each be sold?
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Library tape of the Indiana Sinclair Timex User’s Group.
Source Code
10 REM From Personal Software Spring 1984 Page 78 20 BORDER 1: PAPER 1: INK 7: CLS 30 PRINT AT 10,5;"Press 'ENTER' to begin": INPUT z$ 40 CLS 50 GO SUB 1410 60 LET l=0: LET m=1000: LET r=50: LET p=3 70 LET day=1 80 GO SUB 780 90 CLS : IF RND>.97 AND day>2 THEN GO TO 1320 100 PRINT AT 1,2;"REPORT" 110 PLOT 14,159: DRAW 52,0 120 PRINT '" DAY ";day 130 DIM w$(6,18) 140 LET w$(1)="cloudy" 150 LET w$(2)="sunny" 160 LET w$(3)="rainy" 170 LET w$(4)="stormy" 180 LET w$(5)="hot" 190 LET w$(6)="snowy" 200 DIM a$(6,18) 210 LET a$(1,17)=CHR$ 60 220 LET a$(2,17)=CHR$ 80 230 LET a$(3,17)=CHR$ 15 240 LET a$(4,17)=CHR$ 7 250 LET a$(5,17)=CHR$ 105 260 LET a$(6,17)=CHR$ 2 270 LET a$(1,18)=CHR$ 40 280 LET a$(2,18)=CHR$ 90 290 LET a$(3,18)=CHR$ 15 300 LET a$(4,18)=CHR$ 10 310 LET a$(5,18)=CHR$ 130 320 LET a$(6,18)=CHR$ 8 330 LET d=INT (RND*6+1) 340 PRINT '" The weather today is ";w$(d, TO 16) 350 PRINT '" Lemonade costs ";p;" cents/cup" 360 PRINT '" Total money = $";m/100 370 IF m<0 THEN GO TO 1110 380 PRINT AT 20,0;" How many cups to be made? " 390 INPUT c 400 IF c>m/p THEN PRINT AT 12,0;"You haven't enough money" 410 IF c>m/p THEN GO TO 390 420 PRINT AT 12,0;" No. of cups made is ";c;" " 430 PRINT AT 20,0;" Sale price for each cup? " 440 INPUT l 450 IF l>40 THEN GO TO 440 460 PRINT AT 14,0;" Sale price=";l;"c";CHR$ 8; OVER 1;"/"; OVER 0;" per cup " 470 PAUSE 50 480 PRINT AT 20,0;"Press any key to open your shop " 490 IF INKEY$="" THEN GO TO 490 500 GO SUB 780 510 LET t=9 520 PRINT AT 2,1;"Time: ";t;" o'clock " 530 PAUSE 30 540 LET t=t+1 550 IF t=13 THEN LET t=1 560 IF t<>8 THEN GO TO 520 570 PRINT AT 9,10; PAPER 0; INK 6;" CLOSED " 580 PAUSE 50 590 LET n=RND*CODE (a$(d,17))+RND*CODE (a$(d,18)) 600 LET a=INT (n-(1/(10-(l-p)))*n) 610 IF a>c THEN LET a=c 620 CLS : PRINT AT 1,2;"SALES REPORT";AT 1,25;"Day ";day 630 PLOT 14,159: DRAW 98,0 640 PRINT '" No. of cups sold=";a 650 PRINT '" Money in the till=$";(a*l)/100 660 PRINT ''" Wholesalers bill=$";(c*p)/100 670 PRINT ''" Rent=$";r/100 680 PRINT ''" PROFIT FOR THE DAY=$";(l*a-c*p-r)/100 690 LET m=m+(l*a-c*p-r) 700 IF m<0 THEN GO TO 1110 710 LET day=day+1 720 IF day=8 THEN GO TO 1190 730 IF RND>.6 THEN LET p=p+1 740 PRINT AT 20,0;" Press any key to continue " 750 IF INKEY$="" THEN GO TO 750 760 GO TO 80 770 STOP 780 REM ------- graphics 790 CLS 800 BORDER 6: PAPER 1 810 FOR a=15 TO 21 820 PRINT AT a,0; INK 4;"\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::" 830 NEXT a 840 PRINT AT 7,11; PAPER 7; INK 0;" LEMONADE " 850 INK 6: PRINT AT 8,8;"\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::" 860 FOR a=9 TO 12 870 PRINT AT a,9;"\::";AT a,22;"\::" 880 NEXT a 890 FOR a=13 TO 17 900 PRINT AT a,9;"\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::\::" 910 NEXT a 920 PRINT AT 9,10;" OPEN " 930 PRINT AT 14,10; PAPER 7; INK 0;"PRICE=";l;"c";CHR$ 8; OVER 1;"/"; OVER 0 940 INK 5 950 PLOT 90,81: DRAW 1,-9 960 PLOT 98,81: DRAW -1,-9 970 PLOT 90,81: DRAW 8,0 980 FOR a=72 TO 78 990 PLOT 91,a: DRAW 6,0 1000 PAUSE 5 1010 NEXT a 1020 PLOT 105,81: DRAW 1,-9 1030 PLOT 113,81: DRAW -1,-9 1040 PLOT 105,81: DRAW 8,0 1050 FOR a=72 TO 78 1060 PLOT 106,a: DRAW 6,0 1070 PAUSE 5 1080 NEXT a 1090 PAUSE 30 1100 RETURN 1110 PAUSE 200: CLS 1120 PRINT AT 1,2;"FINAL REPORT" 1130 PLOT 14,159: DRAW 99,0 1140 PRINT ''" You lasted for ";day;" days, until you ran out of money" 1150 PRINT '" You didn't do very well, as youfailed as a successful shop keeper" 1160 PRINT AT 20,0;" Press 'ENTER' for another try!" 1170 IF INKEY$="" THEN GO TO 1170 1180 CLS : GO TO 40 1190 PAUSE 200 1200 CLS 1210 PRINT AT 1,2;"FINAL REPORT" 1220 PLOT 14,159: DRAW 99,0 1230 PRINT ''" You completed your week in business and made a profit of " 1240 PRINT AT 10,5;"Total money=$";m/100 1250 PRINT AT 11,5;"minus loan of $10" 1260 PLOT 39,79: DRAW 136,0 1270 PRINT AT 13,5;"PROFIT =$";(m/100)-10 1280 PRINT AT 20,0;" Press 'ENTER' for another try!" 1290 IF INKEY$="" THEN GO TO 1290 1300 CLS : GO TO 40 1310 STOP 1320 CLS : BORDER 1 1330 PRINT AT 1,2;"POLICE REPORT" 1340 PLOT 14,159: DRAW 105,0 1350 PRINT '''" The police have informed you that vandals have damaged your property. The cost of repairs is$20.00." 1360 PRINT ''" If you cannot meet this bill press 'Q'. If you want to carry on your business press 'ENTER'." 1370 IF INKEY$="q" THEN GO TO 1490 1380 IF INKEY$="" THEN GO TO 1380 1390 LET m=m-2000 1400 GO TO 80 1410 REM -------instructions 1420 PRINT AT 1,9;"LEMONADE STAND" 1430 PLOT 70,159: DRAW 114,0 1440 PRINT ''" You have been placed in charge of a small lemonade stand at College and Yonge for a week. You start off with $10 in your pocket and you should try to make as much money as possible." 1450 PRINT '" You are given the report for the day and you only need to make two decisions: How many cups to prepare, and For how much should each be sold ?" 1460 PRINT '''" Press 'ENTER' to begin" 1470 IF INKEY$="" THEN GO TO 1470 1480 RETURN 1490 PAUSE 200 1500 CLS 1510 PRINT AT 1,2;"BROKE" 1520 PLOT 14,159: DRAW 42,0 1530 PRINT ''" You finally ended up broke!" 1540 PRINT ''" The police have just told you that the vandals are still on the loose." 1550 PRINT AT 20,0;" Press 'ENTER' for another try!" 1560 IF INKEY$="" THEN GO TO 1560 1570 GO TO 30 1580 SAVE "lemonade" LINE 1